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3 | Jade | hungover

Song of the chapter

Radiohead – high and dry

Radiohead – high and dry

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When Jade woke up the next morning, she finally understood why Calum had given her that worried look when she took off with Luke. She felt a little bit guilty the next morning for not taking his warning seriously.

Luke was still fast asleep next to her. He looked so peacefully, almost like last night hadn't happened. Like he hadn't spent most of the night hanging over the toilet seat.

Him laying next to her, smelling like alcohol was not how she had awaited the morning to occur. She wondered if Luke drank that much every time he went out.

She knew that he had his history with alcohol, he told her the time the both of them had been sitting outside on the balcony.

But there was a difference between hearing him say that he had a drinking problem once and actually standing next to his side as he pours one drink after the other down his throat. Between just knowing that he had already spent several nights vomiting and sitting next to him and having to watch him emptying his stomach over and over again and not being able to help him.

She loved him and him drinking wouldn't change that, but it did change the image she had of him. Maybe she didn't know him as well as she thought she did, but then again, she had only gotten close to him two months ago.

There was no way that she already knew everything about him. Calum probably warned her of this. That she should take care of Luke, that he got home safe.

She felt a little guilty that she let it happen. She didn't even know how it got this far. Everything happened fast. One minute Luke and she were laughing on the dance floor and the next minute he could barely talk.

Her chest felt heavy as she remembered their conversation they had had on the balcony during lockdown. "Ever since we both started talking to each other I, started to think less about drinking all my problems away. I still do sometimes but by far not as often as I used to", he had told her back then.

Apparently, she wasn't enough to keep him from doing it. She tried not to take it personal because she knew that if it was an addiction, there was no way that he could just simply stop drinking like that.

She tucked a loose strain of his behind his ear, leaned down and pressed a kiss onto his cheeks. "I don't want to have to see you suffer like that", she whispered.

His eyes flickered, blinking a few times before he opened them halfway and rubbed them with the back of his hand. He grumbled a bit before he rose his arms and stretched out.

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