ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ - ᴍᴀꜱᴏɴ - ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ʟᴜɴᴄʜ

85 5 8

songs of the chapter

Comethru – Jeremy zucker

Full stop – Jeremy zucker

20 | Mason | everything was okay until lunch


Mason was sitting at the dining table, stirring around in his oatmeal, his mother had prepared for him. He didn't dare to look up, knowing that he would only find his father on the other side of the kitchen table, his nose stuck into the newspapers.

He dug a whole into his oatmeal, but still didn't take a bite. He didn't feel like eating. He was scared of going to school because everything was different. Everyone knew now and that just didn't sit right with him.

It had been a week since the group of girls had come up to him during lunch.

He hadn't been ready to be outed in front of the whole school. But Jade just couldn't accept that. Of course she had to go and run around telling everyone the real reason why the two of them had broken up.

Yes, he had to admit that everyone thinking that she had cheated on him with Luke, wasn't something he wanted to be going around either, but Jade could've come up with many more reasons that were not the truth.

Mason wasn't ashamed of being gay. He had accepted himself a while ago, but that didn't mean that he was ready to be openly gay. Because now, that was all he was associated with.

The gay guy.

And although it was the blunt truth, it wasn't all Mason was. He was humours and smart, he loved watching anime and reading mangas, he was a good listener and always tried to make everyone happy.

It was true, he was gay, yes, but that was not all he was.

And people seemed to forget that. Ever since he had gotten outed, numerous students had walked up to him and told him that they supported the LGBTQ community or that they had a friend who knew a friend who's sister was gay too, although Mason couldn't care less about them.

He just wanted to be able to walk down the school halls again without people talking to him, whether they were trying to be nice or calling him slurs.

The slurs bothered him more and where the main reason why he didn't want to go to school anymore. It was hard for him to keep up his confidence when some sixteen year old found it funny to shout "fatty faggot", at him all across the hallway, followed by a bunch of other kids laughing along.

It was hard to go to the boy's dressing room now, because suddenly, everyone turned quiet as soon as he entered, turning their backs at him so there was no way that he could've seen anything.

The worst thing about it was that all that reminded him of his middle school years. The time people called him "piggie" and stole his lunch with the words "You're already fat enough." When he sat alone during every break and when Daxtor had this huge amount of power over him.

He remembered how Jade had been the one to make it all stop. How she had one day seen how Daxtor had taken away his brand new edition of Naruto and had walked over to him, asking if she could sit down next to the crying boy.

She took him to the closest book store and bought him the first part of My Hero Academia as they didn't have any copies of Naruto left. Ever since that day the two of them had become inseparable and Mason hadn't been alone anymore.

Jade was his protector. With her on his side, people just stopped insulting him, as if they were afraid she was going to beat them up. Jade looked scary and as if she could beat one up, but Mason knew that in reality she was one of the softest person who ever existed.

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