ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ - ᴄᴀʟᴜᴍ - ɢᴏ ɢᴀʏꜱ

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Song of the chapter

Ghost - badflower

17 | Calum | go gays

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17 | Calum | go gays


When the bell rang at exactly twelve, Calum couldn't wait but run out of the classroom. His stomach had already been growling for a good hour, so he couldn't believe that the time had finally came and he actually got to eat.

"Hey, slow down, big boy", Luke laughed at him as he had to catch up to him. "I'm sure there's enough food for everyone."

Calum wasn't feeling like joking around. He was hungry and as usually, it weighed on his mood.

"Don't-", was all he said, not wanting to snap at his friend. "I haven't eaten anything all day and you don't want to put me to the test."

"Hm..", Luke smirked. "I don't know. Do I?"

Calum eyed him from the side, his gaze almost burning Luke to the ground. "Don't do it, Hemmings I will attack."

Luke put his arms up in defense but still couldn't hide the grin that had already crept up on his lips. "Okay, okay, I won't

The real question is though, why haven't you eaten anything?"

"Jade ate all our cereals this morning", he grumbled. The two of them had finally reached the entrance of the cafeteria and now stood in the queue for their food.

The whole air was already filled with the smell of molten cheese, indicating that today was pizza day. One of the only dishes of the cantina you could actually eat without throwing up.

After five minutes, although Calum felt like it had been at least ten, the two boys had finally gotten their food and made their way towards one of the tables in the middle.

It was a big table, but they needed it, considering that they were the first people of their friend group of eight to arrive. Only shortly after, Michael and Ashton followed and then Mason a few minutes later as well.

"Where did you leave the rest?", Michael asked as he noticed, the trio wasn't complete like usually.

"Jade and Maureen can bite me", he sighed while letting himself fall into the free seat next to Ashton. "I tried talking to them, but they were too focused discussing some guy Maureen hooked up that I don't even think they noticed me standing right next to them."

He grabbed his peperoni pizza and took a big bite. He didn't munch it properly though. Only after a few seconds of chewing he swallowed it down. "Anyways. I left."

Calum had just looked at him, puzzled by the words Mason had just said. Did Maureen talk to Jade about him?

Did she actually tell her about it or was there some other guy involved?

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