ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴛᴡᴏ - ᴄᴀʟᴜᴍ - ꜱᴜꜱᴘᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ

80 3 12

Song of the chapter

the foundation of decay - my chemical romance

(kinda chosing this song just bc OMG MCR IS BACK WITH NEW MUSIC??? but also bc i think it fits the chapter really well, so win win?)

22 | Calum | suspended

22 | Calum | suspended

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Calum was sitting in front of the headmaster's desk in a chair.

It was an uncomfortable chair made out of wood, just like the ones students sat on for five to nine hours on a daily basis, wondering why their backs hurt.

Calum was in pain. The taste of iron in his mouth told him that his lips had probably popped open and he could feel his heartbeat at the area around his eyes.

But what hurt most were the knuckles of his right hand, that he had used to punch Daxtor in the face. He had forgotten how much it hurt to punch someone. He was sure that his hand were hurting more than Daxtor's broken nose.

"We do not tolerate violence in this building", Headmaster Williams admonished.

Calum clenched his hands to a fist.

No one cared. Really. No one did. He had already explained to Headmaster Williams that the only reason he attacked Daxtor was because he had been homophobic, but he didn't care.

"I already told you, Daxtor was being an absolute asshole", Calum pressed through his teeth. He was done with his nerves.

"Language, Mr. Hood. I don't care what Mr. Scott called your friend, it does not give you the right to punch him", although Headmaster Williams stayed calm, Calum knew it was best not to tangle with him.

He knew. But he didn't care.

"Daxtor is a fucking bully", Calum spatted out.

"That's enough, you're suspended for the day-"

"Oh and let me guess, Daxtor will get away with it? After fat-shaming Mason in front of the whole school and using a slur on him? He will get what? A week of detention? But hey, I totally get it. I mean sticking up for someone who isn't able to do it for himself is a lot worse than actually bullying someone, right?"

It was as if he poked actual holes into Mr. Williams' eyes with his gaze. He didn't blink or even twitch an eyebrow, while the grown man in front of him became visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

He broke eye contact and folded his hands in front of his torso, but Calum's gaze was still on him and that wasn't going to change anytime soon, causing the man to clear his throat.

He had had a frog in his throat

"No, you're both suspended for today", he declared, "We've already called your parents, they are on the way to come and pick you up."

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