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"Oh my God," Aveline said as she walked down a corridor with Dumbledore, "oh my GOD."

"Please keep your voice down. You wouldn't want to hear the shrieks of Walburga Black." Dumbledore said.

Aveline's eyes widened. "Hate that bitch. Cancel her, 2021."

Dumbledore opened a door to a kitchen area and Aveline paused when she saw so many faces.

So many fictional faces.

"There's no way," she mumbled, "absolutely NO way."

"Oi! Welcome!" Two boys exclaimed.

     Fred and George fucking Weasley. Aveline thought. What the fuck?

"Professor, could you please explain now?" Asked a girl with curly brown hair.

     Hermione fucking Granger. Aveline thought. Holy shit, she's even hotter in person.

"Yes, Miss Granger," Dumbledore nodded, "Aveline, take a seat."

"Take a seat," Aveline mocked, "beside the werewolf or the metamorphmagus?"

Remus Lupin, aforementioned werewolf, reddened and looked down at the table.

Nymphadora Tonks, aforementioned metamorphmagus, sat up straighter in shock.

"How does she know that?" Sirius Black asked, alarmed.

Aveline smiled suddenly. Sirius has always been one of her favorite characters when she read the books and even when she watched the movies.

"I think I'll take a seat beside the dog," she decided and sat next to Sirius leaving an empty seat to her left.

"The do— bloody hell! Who is this girl?" Ron Weasley exclaimed dramatically.

"Oh, Ronald! Mind your manners!" Molly Weasley scolded. "I'm sure she's lovely."

"This is Aveline DeMourdant," Dumbledore introduced, "and Voldemort has been after her."

"That's not very cash money of him," Aveline grumbled. "I mean honest to God, I never did nothing to his ass! Ugly ass motherfucker."

"Wow, she's got a mouth on her," Arthur Weasley said, blushing.

"Hey, dilf," Aveline smirked.

"Pardon me?" Arthur asked.

"What's that mean?" Hermione frowned, looking to Dumbledore and then to Aveline.

"What's what mean?" Aveline smiled sweetly.

Sirius and Remus glanced at one another, confused and concerned.

"Alright, well out with it! What's her business here?" Ron asked.

"And what is she wearing?" Bill Weasley added.

"Hey, other dilf," Aveline whispered.

"Aveline has been on Lord Voldemort's radar for quite some time now," Dumbledore explained, "I haven't exactly figured out why."

"Where has she been all this time?" Tonks quipped.

"The future," said Dumbledore.

Sirius choked on his wine and Hermione's jaw dropped.

"Ex—excuse me?" Arthur stammered. Everyone looked relatively shocked and bewildered.

"The wizards were too stunned to speak," Aveline said to herself.

"Yes! The wizards are!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Wicked," Fred and George chorused.

"Bloody hell," Ron whispered.

"I'm afraid I don't understand? How do you mean . . . the future?" Molly questioned.

"Aveline was sent to the future — exactly the year 2006–"

"Pause. Hold on," Aveline cut in, "what do you mean sent to the future? I wasn't sent anywhere."

"As I said, I will explain everything," Dumbledore assured.

"Well get to explaining, old man!" Aveline demanded.

At this remark, Sirius cracked a shadow of a smile. Even Remus grinned slightly.

Fred and George snickered behind their hands.

Dumbledore sighed, "Aveline's mother was a powerful witch—"

"HELLO???? I'M A WITCH???" Aveline shouted.

At once, the shrieks and cries of Walburga Black were heard. Aveline flinched and looked at the door.

Remus and Arthur got up and left. Walburga quieted at once and the two wizards returned and took their seats.

"Please keep your voice down," Dumbledore said.

"KEEP MY— Nigga, you just told me I'm a witch!" Aveline hissed.


"Fred Weasley, don't you dare say that word!" Aveline warned and Fred's jaw dropped.

"How does she— Okay, from the future . . . I understand, but . . . that doesn't explain how she knows all this stuff about us! Actually, I don't understand the future part, but I reckon I can manage," Tonks rambled.

"In the future . . . you're all just—"

"She's gifted," Dumbledore cut in. Aveline shot Dumbledore the nastiest look she could muster.

     I forgot how much I hated this fool, Aveline thought bitterly.

"Gifted how?" Hermione inquired.

"It's much beyond your knowledge, Hermione," Dumbledore said.

"What's Voldemort want with her?" Remus frowned.

"I'm afraid I don't know," Dumbledore admit.

"How do you know he wants her?" Molly asked.

"A member of the Order got word. I tracked Aveline down and . . . found out some rather interesting things," Dumbledore explained.

"Interesting things like what?" Aveline, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Bill, Tonks, and Sirius said in unison.

They all exchanged looks with each other before turning back to Dumbledore.

"All will be revealed in due time. For now, I must go. Tomorrow, Aveline will be accompanied to Diagon Alley to get her school supplies, robes, and wand," Dumbledore said.

"WHA— school supplies?! I'm going to Hogwarts? Say on God," Aveline gasped.

"Say what?" Dumbledore asked.

"Say on— wait, nevermind," Aveline dismissed with a sigh.

"I must be on my way. Good night," Dumbledore saluted.

"Wait—" but before Aveline could speak, Dumbledore was gone.

Now everyone was staring at Aveline.

"So . . . ya'll listen to Mitski?"

aveline ur so funny <3

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