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      When Aveline awoke, she was under covers. She must've cried herself to sleep and someone tucked her in.

     She looked around and her scream got caught in her throat.

     On one hand, a humongous hippogriff was staring right at her from the corner of the room.

     On the other, there was a wrinkly creature stalking around the bed. It must've been Kreacher, the house elf.

     "At least this one is a pureblood . . . all the other filthy mudbloods . . . Kreacher's mistress would be so sad . . ." the house elf mumbled under its breath.

     "What the fuck?" Aveline whispered.

     Kreacher jumped up. "Young witch is awake. Kreacher will go get Master."

     Before Aveline could reply, Kreacher was gone.

     Aveline turned to the hippogriff. "You must be Buckbeak," she realized and held eye contact with him. She remembered this bit of the book and she didn't exactly want Buckbeak mauling her to death.

     At some point, Buckbeak lowered his head into a bow and Aveline crawled across what must've been Sirius's bed. She gently rubbed Buckbeak's head.

     "I think he likes you quite a bit," a voice said.

     Aveline yelped and rolled over. She looked at the door and saw Sirius. "What the fuck, bro? Scared the dog shit outta me, man!"

     "Scared the . . . what?" Sirius inquired.

     "Nothing, nevermind," Aveline dismissed.

     "What happened earlier? In the kitchen," Sirius asked, staying by the door so as not to scare Aveline.

     "I just got overwhelmed. I'm confused and scared. It just hit me that I'm in an unknown . . . place and I can't contact my parents or . . . anyone. I just . . . lost it," Aveline rambled.

     "Well, it's time for you to go to Diagon Alley. Remus and Kingsley Shacklebolt are accompanying you," Sirius explained.

     Aveline nodded. "Like that! I'm a fucking witch? My parents aren't even really my parents? It's giving switched at birth or something! Superman! It's giving Superman!"

     "What's giving Superman?" Sirius frowned. "What's Superman?"

     Aveline sighed, "nothing. Off to Diagon Alley, I guess."

     Sirius nodded promptly.

     Aveline went downstairs to find it rather quiet. Everyone must've been off somewhere doing their own thing. Remus and Kingsley were waiting in the hall.

     "All ready to go?" Remus asked.

     "I guess . . . yeah," Aveline nodded.

     Apparating to Diagon Alley was not pleasant for Aveline. This time, she felt nauseous and lightheaded after the trip.

     She stumbled and Remus caught her arm, steadying her.

     "Alright?" Kingsley questioned.

     Aveline nodded and straightened up. "Where— Where to first?"

     "Gringotts and then Ollivander's. We have to get your wand," Remus said.

     Gringotts was awkward. The goblins made Aveline's skin crawl. Dumbledore had given Kingsley a key to a vault completely loaded.

     "Holy SH— shit!" Aveline gasped. "Fuck the Kardashians, they wish they could get like this." She cackled.

     "Who?" Remus asked.

     "Nothing, no one," Aveline dismissed as she grabbed a bunch of galleons, knuts, and sickles and threw them in a bag she was given.

     The trip to Ollivander's was disastrous. Aveline tried four different wands and damn near destroyed the entire shop. She swore so much that she was sure Ollivander might have a heart attack.

     Cedar wood with a dragon heartstring core. 10 inches.

     That was the final verdict. Aveline had to admit, the wand was pretty ugly, but she figured she could fix that with a little creativity.

     Next, she went to get her robes. That was an experience. Apparently, Aveline had a peculiar body type and had to have a robe tailored to fit her. Supposedly, that wasn't common.

     Then Aveline went and picked up all her standard books and a cauldron. Lastly, she went to the pet shop.

     Aveline had always wanted a pet. Her parents always said no.

     She wondered if Hogwarts would allow a rabbit on the grounds.

     Not that Aveline cared if they wouldn't. She would bring her rabbit anyway.

     Zevela is what Aveline named her. Lala for short.

     Lala had milky brown fur and a little white tail. She had large round dark blue eyes and little ears that twitched every now and then.

     "A rabbit," Kingsley said when Aveline returned with Lala in her cage, "that's . . . peculiar."

     "She's my little girlboss," Aveline grinned.

     "Your little . . . what?" Remus frowned.

     "I keep forgetting," Aveline groaned, "I'm going to have to educate all of you."

     Kingsley and Remus shared a look.

     "Anyway, I'm all ready," Aveline said, "and I'm hungry. So, can we head back now?"

     Remus nodded and they Apparated back to 12 Grimmauld Place.

lala ilysm bae!!!!!!

pls, these chapters are
crazy short. help.

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