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Aveline didn't find anything appealing for lunch, so she settled for wandering the halls of Hogwarts.

Part of her still didn't believe that she was there. At Hogwarts. A place she'd only been in her dreams.

Or in fanfiction.

"Aveline!" Someone called.

The teenager turned and saw Emandeline Viscorro hurrying over to her. Shockingly, they were alone this time.

"Hey," Aveline said, smiling a bit.

This chick looks like Hailee Steinfeld. I think I'm in love. Holy shit, are we gonna kiss?

"All alone. How come?" Emandeline asked.

"Got kicked out of Potions and lunch didn't look good," Aveline shrugged.

"What'd you do?" Emandeline frowned. "To get kicked out of Potions, I mean."

"I called Snape out. Called him a bigot, told him he was salty because he couldn't have the woman he was obsessed with, I said his hair looked like a trash bag dumped in bacon oil, I told him that his nose was the size of the Whomping Willow's trunk, and I made a phenomenal potion that he couldn't criticize. Sucks I won't get a grade," Aveline listed.

Emandeline's jaw dropped and then he started laughing. "Shit, you're bloody amazing, you are!"

"Why thank you," Aveline grinned.

Fuck, she's so hot. . .

Aveline, stop being a whore.

Why am I so rude to myself?

"Anyway," Emandeline cleared her throat, "there's a party in the Ravenclaw common room tonight. Back to school thing. You should come."

Aveline raised her eyebrows, "a p— a party? You guys have those here?"

"'Course," Emandeline scoffed, "you're a Gryffindor. You better get used to them. Anywho, it's tonight. You'll know exactly when. Bring a friend, or a few."

"Oh— Okay," Aveline nodded, "yeah."

"Oh, and it's all houses," Emandeline added, "so. . . don't be surprised if you see Draco Malfoy or something."

Aveline shrugged, "he doesn't scare me. I can't be bothered."

"That's the spirit," Emandeline grinned, "anywho, I'll see you around, gorgeous." And Emandeline walked off.


"Slut," Aveline insulted herself.

She knew she had Divination next and made her way to the top of the North Tower. It took her quite a while to find it, but she got there and was surprised to find Harry, sitting alone.

"Hey, Hazza," Aveline greeted and sat down next to him.

Harry looked up and his scowl dissipated. "Hi."

"Sorry I couldn't get Snape to refill your potion. And I'm sorry he's a prick," Aveline sighed, flipping a few twists over her shoulder.

Harry waved her off. "Not your fault."

"Still going to apologize," Aveline muttered.

"What you said to him, though," Harry said suddenly, "that was funny."

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