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Aveline decided to wait for Harry outside of Umbridge's office. She knew that she was out late, but she didn't want Harry to be alone.

She had also remembered the letter she'd received the day prior and was avoiding it until she could calm herself enough to open it.

It was nearly midnight when Harry exited the office and Aveline's hand was hurting so much that she wanted to cry. She wouldn't be shocked if Umbridge had taken an axe to the boy's hand as that's what it felt like.

"Aveline," Harry said, shocked, "what... er— what are you doing here?"

"I came to walk you back to the common room. I figured you wouldn't want to be alone," Aveline shrugged. Harry nodded and the two began to walk.

"How bad is it?" Aveline asked after a couple moments of silence. Harry showed his hand, which was wrapped in a scarf. Blood was seeping through the scarf and Aveline inhaled sharply. "This has to be against some sort of rule."

"I reckon if it is, Fudge will just nullify it," Harry muttered. "Not much we can do."

She sighed heavily and looked at Harry. "I'm sorry, Hazza."

"For what? You didn't give me detention and use a cursed quill," Harry said.

"You deserve better than this," Aveline replied, looking at Harry, "better than any of this. This whole year has been shit for you."

"There's been a few good things," Harry muttered, the back of his left hand brushing against the back of Aveline's right hand. It caused a bit of pain, but Aveline didn't care, she could handle it later.

"Yeah? Like what?" Aveline asked, a grin spreading across her face. Harry's eyes met hers, bright, icy blue to deep, mahogany brown.

"Just this girl," Harry shrugged, grinning back, "met her over the summer."

"Really? Tell me about her," Aveline chuckled.

"Well, she's your age. In our house," Harry laughed, "most peculiar slang I've ever heard. She's from the States."

"Ooh, foreign," Aveline joked.

Harry fell silent for a few minutes. Aveline glanced at him and with a start, she realized that Harry was about two inches taller than her. She'd always felt like they were the same height, but he was so close to her that she could tell.

Damn, that means Ron's like 2 feet taller than you.

Shut up.

"She's absolutely gorgeous," Harry continued, his voice calm and fond as though reminiscing an old memory he loved, "quite funny, might I add. She's brave, which I admire, a lot. She stands up for what she believes in no matter the consequences."

Aveline was smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. She could feel her stomach twisting with excitement and her heart beating a million times a minute.

"Did I mention she's gorgeous?" Harry asked, a smile still plastered on his face.

"Yeah," Aveline laughed, "but do it again. Just for good measure."

Harry stopped walking and so did Aveline, turning to face each other. Aveline felt like the world had suddenly begun to revolve around the two, they were the only people that mattered.

Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.


Let him make the first move then. Ugh.

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