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     Over the next two weeks, Quidditch practices were back in full swing and Aveline found herself at every Gryffindor practice, commenting on them. 50% the time they had to stop half-way through because someone was laughing so hard that they couldn't focus on the game.

     Angelina would scold Aveline, half-smiling as she did.

     Harry had also started being very handsy with Aveline over the course of the two weeks. It's not that Aveline was complaining at all, she was just shocked. She didn't entirely take Harry for the overly affectionate kind, yet here they were.

     Aveline guessed it had something to do with his incredibly happy mood. She'd been feeling it all day, everyday. She even saw him smile at Umbridge.

     The DA meetings had been going very smoothly. Hermione had even found a way to communicate time changes ( something about a fake Galleon and a Protean charm ). Aveline kept the Galleon in her side pocket at all times. It got hot whenever the time changed and she had no desire to have her butt burned by a magic coin.

     Aveline finally began to get a real taste for Hogwarts competitiveness. As the first Quidditch match of the season drew nearer, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, Aveline watched the air in the castle change with buzzing excitement, sideways looks from the opposing team, and she was on the Quidditch field almost every day in the commenter's box.

     Angelina was pushing the team harder than usual and even the Professors ( at least Snape and McGonagall ) had abstained from giving homework the closer the match got.

     In the final weeks before the game, there were about 6 or 7 left, Aveline found Gryffindor wasn't practicing as much because Snape continued to book the field for Slytherin practices. He also decided to turn a blind eye to Slytherin players hexing Gryffindor players in the corridors.

     For some reason, Aveline was also a target of these jinxes.

     "I'M JUST THE FUCKING COMMENTATOR, YOU FAT FUCKING FOOL!" Aveline shouted at one of the Slytherin beaters, Lucian Bole, who fired a Horn Tongue Hex at her while she was on the way to the bathroom after class. "FIRE ANOTHER HEX AT ME AND WE GON' RUN THESE ONES."

     Lucian laughed and ran off. Aveline was lucky she'd dodged the spell, otherwise she wouldn't be kissing Harry for a little while.

     It was a rather cold day in late September when Aveline found herself in the Ravenclaw common room in search of Emandeline.

     Aveline found that she was widely accepted by all the houses — even Slytherin, aside from the few bitchfucks.They'd always let her in their common rooms when she asked to see someone and made small talk with her when they saw her.

     It was a bit weird. Aveline figured it was because she was different, but not really in a bad way. They thought she was funny — and pretty — and they thought the way she spoke was interesting. She was fun to be around.

     In the past two weeks, Emandeline had been to see Madam Pomfrey about her health and the baby's health and to inquire about her options for the future of the pregnancy. Madam Pomfrey said that Emandeline and the baby were both healthy and Emandeline was just 2 months along.

     Madam Pomfrey had also informed Emandeline that terminating the pregnancy was still an option if that's what she wanted to do. It was a painless procedure that would be done in about an hour tops.

     That was a week and a half ago.

     Emandeline still hadn't told anyone if she'd figured out what she wanted to do and she looked incredibly exhausted when she appeared in the common room upon being requested by Aveline. Her skin was a bit paler than usual and her eyes were hanging low.

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