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     Friday went by in a blur. Harry still avoided Aveline, she got more homework, and she was pretty sure she was going to get her period soon.

     Oh, shit.

     During lunch, as they walked to the Great Hall, Aveline pulled Hermione away.

     "What do you guys do about your periods?" Aveline asked.

     "Oh, I was wondering when you'd ask," Hermione grinned, "we have pads, like normal. I think there are tampons, but I don't use them. I know a couple of spells to make sure you don't bleed through your clothes and to keep the smell at bay."

     "What about cramps?" Aveline asked.

     "You can see Madam Pomfrey. She's got this little concoction that she gives you. It tastes like oranges. Makes the cramps go away," Hermione said.

     Aveline sighed with relief. "Thanks."

     "Of course," Hermione nodded, "oh, and if you're having cravings or something of the sort, you can see Professor McGonagall and she can get you food from the kitchens."

     Aveline thanked Hermione again as they walked into the Great Hall. Aveline looked at the Slytherin table and sighed.

     "I'll join you in a second," she told Hermione before walking over to where Blaise, Theo, Daphne, and Adrian were seated.

     "Hi, guys," she said.

     "Oh, so we do exist to you?" Adrian asked bitterly.

     Blaise deadpanned.

     "'Im sorry," Aveline apologized, "I've had . . . a horrible week and I've been trying to keep my emotions in check, which hasn't been the easiest."

     "You couldve at least waved back," Theo muttered.

     "I know, Theo. I'm sorry. I get like that when I'm upset, I'm sorry," Aveline sighed.

     Blaise, Theo, and Adrian were silent for a few moments.

     "What's made your week so terrible?" Daphne asked.

     Aveline exhaled dramatically before explaining the events of her week, leaving out the conversation from the previous night in the dormitories.

     "I'll kill that prat," Blaise growled, in regards to Harry and Aveline's argument.

     "Professor McGonagall is a beautiful woman for what she's doing with you," Theo remarked.

     "Quidditch commentator?" Adrian grimaced.

     "Believe me, it won't be boring," Aveline scoffed.

     "Wait, are you and Harry dating?" Daphne inquired, "because you said—"

     "Far from it," Aveline cut in.

     Daphne sighed disappointedly.

     "Also," Aveline added, "Ri, what's with you and Mr. Montgomery? Is that a thing?"

     Theo, Blaise, and Daphne grinned.

     Adrian pursed his lips. "Perhaps."

     Aveline gasped and cheered. "You guys are adorable together."

     They're Max Wolfe and Aki Menzies in an alternate universe. Look just like them too.

     I know! It's great!

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