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     Aveline had been holed up in hers, Ginny, and Hermione's room for the last few hours. She was either on her phone or flipping through her school books.

     The entire time she was listening to music, henceforth she was unaware of anything and everything going on around her.

     She didn't even notice when Kreacher came grouching into her room and looking around. He only left when he was summoned by Sirius.

     Aveline was filled with glee when she found that all her songs, even ones made in the 2000s, were still available on her phone. She thought she'd have a meltdown again if they weren't.

     It wasn't until Ginny snatched Aveline's AirPod out that she looked up and came back to the world.

     "Oh, what the fuck?" Aveline huffed. "That's racist!"

     Ginny stared at Aveline for a moment before inspecting her AirPod. "What is this little contraption?"

     "Put it in your right ear," Aveline deadpanned. Ginny did as told and gasped.

     "Merlin's teeth!" She exclaimed and pulled it out. "That's . . . oh my Godric!"

     "Mhm," Aveline nodded as Ginny handed the earbud back.

    "Anyway, Mum says dinner is ready and you have to come meet Harry," Ginny said.

     Aveline shot up, "holy shit! Harry's here?!"

     Ginny snorted, "don't tell me you've a crush on him! You've hardly met him!"

     "I actually know a lot more about him than you think," Aveline smirked and Ginny raised her eyebrows.

     "Alright then . . ." Ginny said uncertainly and walked out, Aveline following. They walked downstairs and into the kitchen area.

     "Hey, bffs!" Aveline greeted.

     "Bffs?" Hermione quipped.

     "Best friends forever," Aveline dismissed.

     "Oh," Hermione mouthed.

     Aveline felt someone nudge her side. She glanced at Ginny — who'd nudged her. Ginny gestured to Harry who had been staring at Aveline ever since she walked into the kitchen.

     He looked absolutely entranced.

     Aveline turned and looked at Harry. Her heart dropped — in a good way.

     "What's going on here?" Fred whispered, causing George, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Tonks, Bill, and Remus to shrug.

     Aveline always thought Harry was the best looking of all the Harry Potter Universe boys. She wasn't even ashamed to admit that she had a fanpage for a little while, but now she was standing here. In front of him, for real.

     It wasn't like a 'meeting your fictional crush' type thing. This felt real, to Aveline at least. For the first time since she arrived at Grimmauld Place or since Dumbledore showed up in her bedroom, Aveline didn't feel scared or alarmed or even confused.

     She felt . . . safe?

     No, not safe. She felt sane. As if Harry knew exactly what she felt and why she felt it. Like he validated her feelings.

     A part of her could swear she knew what he felt too.

     "Hello . . .?" Ginny said in a sing-song voice and waved her hand in Aveline's face as Ron nudged Harry.

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