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     The morning of the Hogsmeade trip came quick and Aveline found herself a little excited. She'd finally get to visit the infamous Hogsmeade Village.

     She ate breakfast with her fellow Gryffindors, Harry telling her about different parts of the village and different stores and whatnot.

     The permission slip Lucille had signed was tucked away in Aveline's jacket pocket — which was actually a windbreaker that she'd gotten many compliments on. Her phone was in her back pocket and her watch was strapped to her left wrist.

     After breakfast, Aveline followed Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Mariah to line up in front of Filch who had the names of the students who were permitted into Hogsmeade.

     "Ah, Zabini. I don't see your name on here. Back inside," Filch grouched, a small smile creeping onto his gremlin-like face.

     Aveline handed him the permission slip and watched his eyebrows furrow as he read it over.

     "It needs to be signed by a parent or guardian," Filch said.

     "It's signed by my aunt who's my guardian when I'm not here," Aveline informed.

     She didn't know if that was entirely true, but she was keen on going to Hogsmeade and would do whatever she had to to go.

     Filch seemed to be trying to find another excuse before giving up and writing Aveline's name down.

     "Go on, then," he grumbled.

     Aveline turned and walked over to Harry who seemed to have been waiting on her.

     "Did you wait on me?" Aveline asked.

     Harry cracked a smile and nodded. "Told the rest of them to go on."

     "Awe, Hazza. I'm flattered," Aveline joked before reaching over and slipping her hand into Harry's. His face turned red and he smiled, squeezing her hand.

     The two walked down the winding path which would take them into the village. They didn't sneak by the amused looks of other students, goggling at their connected hands.

     "Are you nervous?" Aveline asked suddenly. She could feel the bits of nervousness flowing through her, but she wasn't sure if that was her or him.

     "Um, yeah," Harry nodded, "a bit."

     "What's on your mind?" Aveline sighed.

     What's on your nasty old mi—

     Now isn't the time for TV Girl.

     "I don't know. I just . . . what if they don't want to listen to me?" Harry said. "What if they think I'm a nutter and a fr— why are you laughing?!"

     Aveline had indeed started laughing, covering her mouth with her hand. Harry stopped walking and they turned to each other.

     "What's so funny?!" Harry asked, slightly irritated. Here he was opening up and she was laughing.

     "I'm sorry— I'm so sorry," Aveline gasped, "but that nutter word always gets m—" and she dissolved into snickers and giggles again.

     At this, Harry cracked a smile. She wasn't laughing at him. No, not in the sense that he thought she had been and he couldn't stay irritated when she looked so happy.

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