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     Aveline found that the next morning, she had an appetite. Despite not wanting to get out of bed on the off chance she had to face Harry, she felt weak from the lack of nutrition.

      She was alone in the dorm that morning as she got ready. Everytime she thought about what happened the previous night, she felt like crying again.

     You already cried yourself to sleep, no more tears! No tears left to cry.

     Bitch, I am not Ariana Grande.

     Breakfast was quiet for her. None of the Slytherins tried to speak to her, which she was thankful for.

     Crying angry tears in front of everyone would not be fun.

     Hermione and Mariah, however, were with Aveline at breakfast.

     "Why do you look like you've been crying?" Mariah asked.

     "Are you alright?" Hermione frowned.

      Aveline bit the inside of her cheek, feeling the tears begin to come back.

     "What happened, Veli?" Mariah asked.

     At the Ravenclaw party, Mariah and Aveline decided on nicknames for one another. Mariah chose 'Veli' and Aveline chose 'Mari'.

     "Mari and Mariah don't even sound alike!"

     "But they're spelled alike!"

     "I messed up," Aveline whispered, blinking back tears, "I screwed up something good and I don't know how to fix it."

     "Has it got to do with Harry?" Hermione inquired.

     Aveline looked at her and frowned. "How did you figure that out?" She sniffled.

     "I figured he would be the only one to get you riled up like this," Hermione sighed, "what happened?"

     Aveline explained what happened last night, trying her absolute hardest not to cry during her explanation.

     "Oh, dear," Hermione said quietly, "Aveline, I'm so sorry. I honestly don't know what's gotten into him lately—"

     "He's stressed out!" Aveline exclaimed, wiping away a tear that fell. "Half the Wizarding World is calling him crazy and a liar after all the trauma he endured last year. He's got to put up with Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle all goddamn year! You've got people like Lavender, Parvati, and Seamus who he thought were his friends calling him a liar too! Then that fucking Umbridge woman making life 10 times harder — I would be stressed out and pissed off too if someone—" Aveline paused.

     Mariah and Hermione looked relatively shocked.

     "I'd be upset if my friend was lying to me too," Aveline muttered. She sniffled and scratched the side of her neck.

     Aveline's day was horrible.

     Transfiguration wasn't bad in the sense that Aveline's performance was bad. She just wasn't into it. She was miserable the entire class. Harry actively avoided her and at some point, he shot her a glare and she almost screamed.

     Lunch was a silent ordeal. Aveline felt like she was going to throw up all her food and spent her lunch period in the dormitories. She cuddled with Lala, listening to music ( Hermione helped her figure out a spell to keep her phone charged ).

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