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Aveline and Harry sat together in the common room Friday night. Neither of them had work to complete as Aveline was caught up and she had forced Harry to finish his work ahead of time so that she would have someone to spend time with.

"Can't you hang out with Hermione?" Harry had asked when Aveline pestered him to finish his Divination work.

"Boy—" Aveline started. "Is Hermione my boyfriend? I didn't fucking think so. Get crackin', motherfucker!"

Aveline hadn't mistaken the way Harry's eyes brightened at her choice of words.


Now, they sat together by the crackling fire in the common room. Harry's head was in Aveline's lap as she gently raked her hand through his hair, her nails scratching against his scalp.

"There's a Hogsmeade trip tomorrow," Harry muttered. "Do you want to go together?"

Aveline laughed a bit. They'd been dating for about 3 weeks and he still treated her as though he was only a boy with a fat crush.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Hazza," Aveline said. "I've got a date."

You're evil.

Harry shot up and frowned. The wave of anger and fear that rolled over Aveline was sickening.

"What?" Harry asked. "You— with who?"

"Hermione," Aveline grinned.

Harry closed his eyes and sighed. "That's not funny."

Aveline laughed brightly. "Oh, God. You were terrified!"

Aveline could feel that small anger begin to bubble up in her chest. The medicine Madam Pomfrey had given her a few weeks back was working perfectly, so she knew it wasn't her emotions.

Ou... Hazza ain't happy.

Aveline paused and studied Harry. "Are you really upset? You're mad?"

"I just.." Harry sat up and ran a hand through his hair. Aveline's legs were cold with the absence of Harry's body. "I don't think that was funny."

"I'm sorry, Hazza," Aveline said. "I thought it was. I'm sorry."

Harry shook his head. "No, it's okay."

"It's not okay," Aveline sighed. "But thank you for telling me how you felt instead of bottling it up and acting like it's fine."

Harry stared at the fire, the flames reflecting in his glasses.

"Hey," Aveline said, reaching over and grabbing Harry's hand. "I promise I'm not seeing anybody else. Hermione and I are just going to check out one of the stores together and then I promise I'll be yours for the rest of the trip."

"You promise?" Harry asked.

Aveline nodded and held up her pinky. "Pinky promise."

Harry smiled and wrapped his pinky around Aveline's.

Saturday came quickly and Aveline and Hermione scarfed down their breakfast that morning and were off towards Hogsmeade after Filch checked to ensure they were allowed to go.

"So, what are you thinking for your hair?" Hermione asked as the two walked, their hands in their pockets and their crimson and gold scarves around their necks.

BREAK FROM TORONTO, HARRY POTTER.Where stories live. Discover now