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TW | mention of suicide...? i guess?


     Aveline wasn't expecting magic food to taste as good as it did. Especially when it was cooked and prepared by elves. Nonetheless, it was probably the best meal she had ever consumed in her entire life.

     She couldn't help but notice the side-eyes and confused looks from the fifth years at the Slytherin table, but she dismissed it. She would find time to speak to Blaise later.

     "Alright?" Harry asked Aveline, looking at her curiously.

     Aveline turned to Harry and smiled. "Spectacular— why the absolute fuck did I just say that. I'm fine," Aveline replied.

     Harry raised his eyebrows, "you're not bothered? At all?"

     "I guess I am a bit," Aveline shrugged, "but no need to worry about me, Hazza. I'll be fine."

     "Haz— Hazza?" Harry stammered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Though a soft pink color crept onto his cheeks.

     "It's my new nickname for you," Aveline declared, "should anyone else in this bitch call you Hazza, it's on sight."

     "What's that mean?" Hermione put in.

     "Wooooow, Mione. Just all in our business, huh?" Aveline asked.

     "Sorry, it's just amusing to hear you talk," Hermione gushed, "the words you use and your accent. It's lovely, really."

     "Hey," someone whispered.

     Hermione, Aveline, and Harry turned around to the Ravenclaw table that was right behind them. A girl with black hair and dark eyes was leaning over to them.

     "Aveline, is it?" She asked.

     "That would be what Dumbledore said, yeah," Aveline nodded, "why do you ask?"

     "No reason, you just seem like fun," the girl smiled and turned back around. Aveline raised her eyebrows and smiled before turning around as well.

     She felt a twinge of jealousy somewhere, but shook it off and sighed.

     "Who was that?" Harry asked.

     "Emandeline Viscorro, fifth year Ravenclaw," Hermione sighed, "I think she's shagged every Ravenclaw in her year and above."

     "You know what? Good for her!" Aveline declared. "As she should, sexy motherfucker."

     "What?" Harry and Hermione asked.

     "What?" Aveline asked them immediately.

     When all the students had finished eating and the noise level in the hall was starting to creep upward again, Dumbledore got to his feet once more. Talking ceased immediately as everyone turned to face the headmaster.

     Aveline took a deep breath and crossed her arms on the table, resting her chin atop them.

     "Well, now that we are all digesting another magnificent feast, I beg a few moments of your attention for the usual start-of-term notices," said Dumbledore. "First years ought to know that the forest on the grounds is out of bounds to students — and a few of our older students ought to know by now too."

     Aveline saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchange sly smirks.

     "You idiots better not drag me into that forest this year," Aveline warned quietly, "or we're tussling."

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