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     Aveline had decided to skip dinner. She was hungry, but she wouldn't put herself through the whispers and the jabs and the sneers. All she could hope was that nobody decided to test her at the Ravenclaw party.

     Currently, Aveline was digging through her clothes, Lala in her arms, looking for something to wear. She didn't know if she had to dress formally or casually, so she settled on light washed ripped jeans, a long sleeve, black, fitted crop top, and her white Air Forces.

     She sat on her bed, Lala in her lap, and stared off into space. Suddenly, she realized she didn't know exactly when the party started.

     You'll know exactly when.

     That's what Emandeline had said.


     You are such a slut, Aveline scolded herself.

     She's hot! Leave me alone . . . me.

     Aveline had been to plenty of parties in the future. Birthday parties, New Years parties, Christmas parties, Valentine's day parties.

     She'd only ever been to a few of them with a girlfriend or boyfriend.

     Not that any of those relationships had lasted long.

     Her longest relationship was with a girl, Juno, who was in her math class. They were together for the better part of 9 months before Juno cheated and they broke things off horribly.

     After that, Aveline went to parties alone or with friends.

     And you always ended up making out with someone, you absolute whore.

     As I should. Girlbossing in the name of bisexuality.

     Aveline wondered if that would be the case at this party. Who would make out with her anyway?

     Emandeline, probably.

     That would be a dream come true, my God.

     "Aveline?" Hermione said as she walked into their dormitory. Aveline snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at Hermione.

     "What?" She sighed.

     "Where are you going? You're all dressed up," Hermione remarked.

     "A party," Aveline replied dismissively. "Wanna come?"

     "Pardon me? A party? It's a school night! And parties aren't allowed," Hermione said.

     "Nobody cares," Aveline shrugged, "they're fun and that Um-bitch is killing everyone's vibe."

     "Killing what?" Hermione asked.

     "Doesn't matter. Are you coming to the party with me or not?" Aveline questioned.

     "I'm a prefect! Obviously not!" Hermione exclaimed incredulously.

     "Obviously not what?" Mariah asked as she walked in and began to dig through her trunk for clothes.

     "Aveline's going to a party! Tell her not to and it's against the rules," Hermione begged.

     "The Ravenclaw one? Yeah, me too. So are Lavender and Parvati," Mariah said, "it starts in a bit, I think."

    "Cool," Aveline nodded, stroking Lala's fur.

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