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     Aveline had no desire to attend potions that day, but when Neville nearly threw hands with Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco PLUS Aveline caught it on camera? Her spirits immediately lifted.

     "Did you record that?!" Hermione whisper-shouted to Aveline as the Gryffindors and Slytherins entered the dungeon.

     "Yep," Aveline nodded, "I figured I'd start vlogging my time here at Hogwarts."

     "Vlogging?" Hermione asked as she stood at one of the tables. Aveline joined her and seconds later, Mariah joined the table as well.

     "Yea, it's like—" Aveline stopped short. She peered around Hermione at the familiar bitch in the corner of the room.

     Oh, fuck me. I'm gonna fucking off myself.

     "You will notice," said Snape in his low, sneering voice causing the room to fall silent, "that we have a guest with us today."

     He gestured toward the dim corner of the dungeon, where everyone saw Professor Umbridge sitting there, clipboard on her knee.

     The two motherfuckers I hate the most.

     Aveline perked up. She could swear she'd heard a voice in her head at the moment. It was incredibly faint and quiet, but she knew she heard it.

     I'm not crazy, she told herself.

    At the next table, Aveline noticed Harry frowning a bit and looking around.

     Oh, no fucking way. Can we read each other's thoughts?!

     Harry hadn't seemed to have any reaction to the thought Aveline just had.

     "We are continuing with our Strengthening Solutions today, you will find your mixtures as you left them last lesson, if correctly made they should have matured well over the weekend — instructions" — Snape waved his wand again — "on the board. Carry on."

     Aveline took a deep breath and got to work.

     Professor Umbridge spent the first half hour of the lesson making notes in her corner. Aveline continued to eye her, unable to help herself.

     She wanted to know if the bitch would say something interesting.

     Your dumbass thinks she knows something about Hedwig's injuries.

     It's always possible!


     In unison, Aveline and Harry sat up as Umbridge finally made her way towards Snape who was bent over Dean's cauldron.

     "Well, the class seems fairly advanced for their level," she said briskly to Snape's back. "Though I would question whether it is advisable to teach them a potion like the Strengthening Solution. I think the Ministry would prefer it if that was removed from the syllabus."

     Snape straightened up slowly and turned to look at her.

     "Now . . . how long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?" she asked, her quill poised over her clipboard.

     "Fourteen years," Snape replied. His expression was unfathomable.

     Aveline kept her eyes on her potion, still listening intently.

     "You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, I believe?" Umbridge asked Snape.

     "Yes," said Snape quietly.

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