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TW/CW — HOMOPHOBIA, TRANSPHOBIA, EATING DISORDER, BODY DYSPHORIA ( not really but I'm not taking chances )

     Aveline's head was pounding the next morning. She was glad to find that, somehow, she had made it back to Gryffindor Tower and was asleep in her own bed.

     Which means I didn't sleep with anyone. Great!

     Aveline pulled herself out of bed and stared at the floor. She blinked a few times before getting up and disappearing into the bathroom.

     She got ready for the day and put on a red fitted long sleeve shirt and black jeans. She put on her robes over it and put on her shoes.

     Her head was still pounding and she wondered if wizards had magical drugs to deal with hangovers.

     The common room still had a slight buzz from the morning. Aveline went over to the small kitchen area and made herself a cup of coffee.

     "Oi, good morning, Aveline," Fred said as he walked up to Aveline and poured himself a cup of coffee as well.

     "Hi, Fr...ed?" Aveline said uncertainly.

     "Spent the whole summer with us and can't tell me apart from Fred?!" Fred asked dramatically.

     "You're fucking identical and I have a hangover. Let up," Aveline deadpanned.

     "I'm kidding, I'm Fred," he smiled.

     "I should pour scalding hot coffee on you," Aveline threatened.

     "Ouch," Fred winced, "anyway, what's going on with you and Viscorro?"

    "Emandeline? Nothing," Aveline shrugged.

     "Yet you were snogging the whole time last night," Fred replied.

     "That's an exaggeration. It lasted all of 5 minutes," Aveline scoffed. She took a sip of her coffee and exhaled quietly.

     "So nothing's going on?" Fred asked.

     "Why? You tryna ask me out, Weasley?" Aveline asked, looking at Fred teasingly.

     "Merlin's toes, never!" Fred gasped dramatically. "Plus, I've got my sights set on someone else. Anyway, what's going on with you and Harry then?"

     "Where the fuck did those rumors even come from?" Aveline asked.

     "Everyone sees how you two are with each other," Fred grinned, "and he looks like he wants to snog you every time you're around. Surely you've seen how he looks at you?"

     Aveline thought for a moment. She knew that she and Harry had a very different kind of relationship. They seemed to just fit together. Aveline seemed to understand Harry in a way that not even Ron or Hermione seemed to figure out.

     Harry always made Aveline feel better. Even when he was being an angry prick and pissed her off. She found she could never truly stay mad at him for long. He loved being around her and she loved being around him.

     Imagine you were in lo—

     Why would you even joke like that?

     Bold assumption to say that I'm joking.

     "I guess," Aveline shrugged. She didn't need Fred all in hers and Harry's private business.

     "Hm," Fred hummed, "you guess."

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