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mention of suicide ( one of them is joking & lighthearted )
talk of rape ( the word rape is never actually used but... yk )
teen pregnancy
minor talk of discrimination

     The very next day, Aveline was up early. They had a lot on their mind and it made falling asleep a hard task — let alone staying that way.

     The sun had just come up when they opened their eyes. Lavender, Parvati, and Hermione were still asleep. Mariah, however, was quietly shuffling around in the bathroom.

     Aveline checked their phone. 5:24 AM.

     The floor was cold and Aveline inhaled sharply as they made their way to the bathroom door. They knocked and leaned forward a bit. "Mari?" Their voice was hoarse with the remnants of sleep still lingering.

     Mariah opened the door and smiled a bit. "Good morning. Why are you up?"

     "I, uh— Couldn't sleep..." Aveline replied, "I actually figured I'd go see if Emandeline was up... I wanted to talk to her... see if they were alright."

     Mariah blinked. "Great minds. I was off to do the same thing."

     "Oh," Aveline said. They stared at Mariah for a moment before smiling.

     "What? Why are you smiling?" Mariah asked.

     Aveline glanced at Lavender, Parvati, and Hermione before whispering in Mariah's ear. "Harry and I made it official."

     Knowing what was coming, Aveline smacked their hand over Mariah's mouth as the girl let out an excited squeal.

     Aveline pushed their way into the bathroom, pushing Mariah too, and closed the door. "Gosh, you're gonna wake them up, homeslice."

     Mariah was smiling ear to ear. "I can't believe it!" She gasped. "I thought it would never happen. Oh, I'm so happy for you!"

     Aveline laughed. "Thank you."

     Mariah let out a small squeal before turning back to the mirror to finish her makeup. Aveline got ready, brushing their teeth and touching up their hair and whatnot.

     Kinda wanna change my hair.

     You should just go back to wigs.

     Maybe... Do they have wigs here...?

     When in doubt, ask Hermione.


     Mariah and Aveline finished at the same time and left the bathroom. They changed their clothes and went down to the common room.

     "Oh shit," Aveline said immediately, "I forgot my wand."

     "How did you—" Mariah started.

     "Be right back," Aveline said and went up the stairs. Halfway up, the stairs transformed. Not to a slide like it did for the boys, but—

     "A rock wall?!" Mariah exclaimed as Aveline fell to the ground with a thud and groaned loudly.

     "Motherfucker. Ouch, goddamnit!" They swore.

      Mariah mindlessly helped Aveline up, staring at the rock wall in shock. "Is today a non-binary day?" She asked. "Is that why it's a rock wall?"

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