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      Sunday was easily the best day of term for Aveline so far. A wonderful way to start her new week.

     As she walked into the common room that morning, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Lavender, Neville, Parvati, Lee, Fred, George, Angelina, Katie, and Alicia had told her at least 8 different rumors they'd heard about Pansy between yesterday afternoon and that very morning.

     Eight different rumors each.

     From Pansy taking baths in the Great Lake to her being pregnant with Voldemort's child.

     "Holy shit!" Aveline laughed as she sat down at breakfast. Pansy was 500 hot, screeching and shouting at people who were pointing and laughing at her.

     Harry cracked a smile. "I reckon you've got something to do with this?"

     "Whaaaaat?" Aveline scoffed, feigning innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Hazza."

     Harry smiled and laughed, shaking his head.

     "Zabini!" Angelina called, sitting in front of Aveline. "You're bloody brilliant, you are. I know you're behind this and it's amazing."

     Aveline grinned. "We've got to stick together, us people of color."

     "I like that thinking," Angelina nodded before getting up and sitting with Fred, George, and Lee.

     "Some of these rumors are really mean, Aveline," Hermione said.

     "I didn't spread all of these. I didn't even spread half of them. I started maybe two," Aveline shrugged.

     "Two?!" Hermione gasped. "Well, I— How did they— This is just..."

     "Bro is flabbergasted," Aveline snorted.

     Ron frowned a bit in confusion, but watching Pansy be in so much distress had his mood shot up and nothing could bring him down.

     "Aveline," Mariah said, "could I talk to you? In the hall?"

     Aveline hadn't spoken a word to Mariah since she'd found out about her sneaking around with Blaise. She intended to keep it that way.

     "Fine," Aveline muttered and followed Mariah into the hall. She was taken aback to find Blaise also in the hall.

     "What?" Aveline deadpanned, leaning against the wall. Blaise and Mariah stood side-by-side and glanced at one another.

     "We wanted to apologize," Blaise sighed.

     "Shocker." Aveline muttered.

     "Please don't be a bitch," Blaise said.

     "EXCUSE ME?!" Aveline barked, standing up straight.

     "Okay, okay!" Mariah cut in. "Blaise, that was out of line. Aveline, please calm down."

     "Call me a bitch again and imma dog walk you like one," Aveline threatened.

     Blaise sighed heavily.

     "We apologize for going behind your back. Seriously," Mariah said, "we should've told you as soon as it started."

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