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     The day of the match had finally arrived on a bright and cold November morning. Aveline felt jittery already and Lala could feel it too.

     The rabbit was knocking around in her cage, causing a ruckus.

     "Get UP, Ms. Commentator!" Mariah exclaimed, pulling Aveline out of bed and then letting Lala out her cage. The rabbit zoomed around the room, hopping on trunks and shoes and bookcases.

     "I'm up!" Aveline groaned, rubbing her eyes. She felt a sense of determination and confidence.

     Apparently Hazza thinks we got this game in the bag.

     REAL BAD!!!

     Aveline got ready quickly, Mariah going after her, and then Hermione. Lavender and Parvati were already at breakfast.

     "Are you excited?" Hermione asked. "Your first time commentating? Do you know everything you need to know?"

     "Yes. Yep. Yes, ma'am," Aveline nodded. "I got this! We up!"

     Mariah and Hermione glanced at each other and then shrugged.

     "We up!" They repeated.

     The three arrived in the Great Hall and it was completely full. The volume was sky high and the vibe was more buoyant than usual. Aveline felt a surge of happiness.

     Aveline noticed the Slytherins were much more chatty than usual.

     "What's that?" Mariah asked. She pointed to a gold pin in the shape of a crown that most of the Slytherins were wearing.

     Aveline narrowed her eyes a bit. "Weasel— no, Weasley is our... King... well that's a bit odd, ain't it?"

     When the memory loss hits.


     "Pay them no mind. Come on," Hermione said and led the other two Gryffindors to their respective table. Aveline plopped down beside Harry.

     "Mornin' Hazza," she grinned. "Feelin' alright?"

     "Good morning. I am, but Ron's all messed up. Says he was mental to do this," Harry huffed. "I'm trying to tell him—"

     "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" Aveline exclaimed, reaching around Harry and grabbing Ron at the shoulders. "YOU ARE A WEASLEY! PULL — YOURSELF — TOGETHER!" She yelled, shaking Ron in between words.

     Alright Edna Mode.

     "I can't do this!" Ron groaned.

     "You CAN because you will BELIEVE you can and I KNOW you can! Stop this doubtful shit! You're a Gryffindor, mister. We don't do that shit here!" Aveline said.

     "You're so dramatic," Mariah scoffed. Aveline flipped her off.

     "You got this 'cause the coolest person at Hogwarts says so," Aveline said. "Alright? And I'm gonna be cheering you on right in the commentator box. If the commentator's cheering for you... you're slaying and you, Ron Weasley, WILL slay!"

     "Yeah, whatever she said," Ginny nodded. Harry nodded as well.

     "Agree." Mariah said.

     "Yes, that was lovely," Hermione smiled.

     "Hello," said a vague and dreamy voice from behind them. The group looked up: Luna Lovegood had drifted over from the Ravenclaw table. Many people were staring at her and a few openly laughing and pointing; she had managed to procure a hat shaped like a life-size lion's head, which was perched precariously on her head.

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