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     Aveline and Harry had been ditched by Hermione and Ron who had to lead the first years up to the Gryffindor Tower.

     As she and Harry left the Great Hall, Aveline quickly noticed all the whispers and stares and side-eyes Harry was getting. Even she was getting a few.

     Aveline followed Harry as they wove through the crowd in the entrance hall and shot up the marble staircase. She raised her eyebrows as Harry walked through a few shortcuts and soon, they were alone and away from the crowd.

     "Harry, slow down," Aveline said, halfway down a corridor. She reached out for Harry's wrist and then quickly pulled her hand away. She didn't want to randomly touch him and risk him flipping out of something.

     "Please?" She added.

     Harry slowed down and turned to Aveline. "What?"

     "Relax," Aveline scoffed, "I know you're upset, but don't take it out on me before I dog walk your ass. I don't need a wand to mop the floor with you, four eyes."

     Harry sighed heavily, "sorry."

     "As you should be, the fuck? Got me six types of fucked up," Aveline snapped.

     "I said I was sorry, alright?" Harry said irritably.

     "That doesn't mean I have to accept it, fuckwad," Aveline argued.

     "What do you want from me then, huh?" Harry huffed.

     The more they bickered, the more irritation and anger bubbled up inside of Aveline. She felt like her irritation was being doubled. It was like trying to put out a fire with more fire.

     "I want you not to act like a bitch," Aveline fumed.

     "Fine, whatever," Harry said, "I said sorry, you don't want to accept it and I'm not about to have a go at you." And he turned and started down the corridor again. Aveline glared after him before leaning against the wall.

     She wouldn't go into the common room until she was calm enough to be around people and that would take a while. She was clenching her fists and staring angrily at the floor, her eyes watering from the anger.

     "Aveline Monique, don't you dare cry over that white boy," she whispered to herself, blinking back her tears. Aveline wiped away the few tears that escaped and sat down. She started to feel regret and guilt seep into her chest and replace the anger and irritation.

     Aveline wanted to apologize to Harry, but the thought of doing so pissed her off again. She'd always had that problem, apologizing to people. Even if she wanted to, something about it just angered her to no end.

     When she'd calmed down enough, Aveline walked to the Fat Lady portrait — the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. She sighed after realizing she didn't know the password.

     "No password, no entrance," the Fat Lady said loftily.

     "Yeah, I fucking know that," Aveline snapped.

     The Fat Lady looked mildly offended at the tone Aveline had taken with her and Aveline could assume no Hogwarts student in their right mind had ever spoken to her like that.

     Except maybe a pissed-off fourth year Sirius Black or any-given-year Remus Lupin with anger issues like the ones he had.

     "Aveline, is it?" A voice asked. Aveline jumped almost 3 feet in the air and stumbled back. She turned to see a tall girl standing beside her.

     "Who in the absolute fuck?!" Aveline swore.

     "Mariah Ambroise," the girl introduced with a smile, "fifth year. Mimbulus mimbletonia!"

     "Correct," the Fat Lady huffed and the portrait swung open. Aveline walked in first and Mariah followed her.

     "Thanks," Aveline said, "but girl, don't be fucking creeping up on me like that and shit. Scared the fucking shit out of me."

     Mariah laughed as the two went up to the girls' dormitories, "sorry. Didn't think you'd be quite so jumpy."

     "Only when random people just say my name out the blue and right in my ear!" Aveline scoffed as she opened the door.

     "There you are!" Hermione exclaimed. "I thought you'd gotten lost or something. Where have you been?"

     "In the halls trying not to kill someone," Aveline smiled.

     Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil both looked absolutely shocked at the words coming out of Aveline's mouth.

     "Oh," Hermione mouthed.

     "Harry and I got into it, that's all," Aveline dismissed as she grabbed Lala out of her cage and sat down on her four poster, stroking Lala's fur.

     Parvati shook her head disdainfully, "have you heard what the Daily Prophet's saying about him? Says he's gone mad and he's lying!"

     "He's not," Aveline and Hermione said sternly.

     "I believe him," Mariah shrugged, sitting on her four poster, "Cedric Diggory didn't just drop dead on his own accord and Harry Potter is not an actor, so all those tears he shed over Cedric's body at the Tournament weren't fake. Harry didn't kill him—"

     "How do you know?" Lavender asked.

     "Because he's a child?!" Aveline replied as though it were completely obvious. "If Harry Potter were a murderer, half the little shitheads in this school would be fucking dead. Dead as hell."

     Hermione sighed, "Harry wouldn't lie. And he isn't. Now, that's enough, good night." She was already changed into her pajamas and crawled into her four poster which was beside Aveline's.

     Parvati and Lavender looked mildly upset at this, but nonetheless crawled into their four posters and closed the curtains.

     Mariah changed into her pajamas and climbed into her four poster. "Night, Aveline," she said softly.

     "Good night," Aveline replied. She sat on her bed a little longer, petting Lala, before putting the rabbit in its cage and changing her clothes. She put her bonnet on and washed her makeup off in the bathroom ( even if it was just lipgloss, mascara, and eyeliner ).

     Aveline crawled into her four poster and sighed as she snuggled under the covers. She felt a bunch of burning hot anger rush into her chest and clenched her fists. She didn't know why she was so angry all of a sudden, but she could've sworn she heard someone say 'Seamus'.

     It took almost 45 minutes before all the anger dissipated and Aveline could finally fall asleep.

mariah's name is pronounced
muh-rye-uh like mariah carey.
just thought i'd let ya know.
and ambroise is pronounced
am-bro-ees like ambrose but
it's like "broi" like boi but with
an r.

that was so autistic of me. anyway.

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