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     "Oi, Aveline!" Someone called as Aveline walked to Gryffindor Tower from the Great Hall. She stopped by for dinner briefly, but found she had little appetite when she noticed Harry was absent and remembered his detention.

     She turned and came face-to-face with Emandeline. With a start, Aveline realized she hadn't talked to Emandeline in a while.

     "Hi," Aveline said.

     "I feel like you've been avoiding me. Have you?" Emandeline asked.

     "No, sorry. I've just been . . . occupied," Aveline replied. "How have you been?"

     "Alright," Emandeline nodded slowly. "You?"

     Aveline shrugged. "Could be better."

     Emandeline pursed her lips. "I've got some pot from Montgomery. Fancy a smoke in the Astronomy tower?"

     Aveline considered this for a moment before nodding. "Why not?"

     Aveline was not prepared for how high up the Astronomy Tower was. She sat by the railing, her legs criss-cross applesauce in front of her so they weren't hanging off the side.

     A joint was between her lips, her head resting on a stone pillar beside her. Emandeline sat about 3 feet away, her legs hanging off the side and a joint between her lips as well.

     "Didn't see much of you last week," Emandeline said.

     "Detention," Aveline muttered, removing the joint from her mouth and watching a light gray cloud, with a slight blue hue, of smoke escape her lips.

     Emandeline nodded. "With Umbridge, I reckon?"

     "She gave it to me, but I refused to go. So she made me serve it with McGonagall," Aveline explained. She was beginning to feel the effects of the drug roll over her.

     "Refused? Why?" Emandeline asked.

     "I didn't want to sit in detention with that toad," Aveline shrugged, returning the joint to her mouth and removing it a few moments later.

     She heard Emandeline laugh. "She does look quite toad-like."

     "And her voice is god-awful and annoying," Aveline mumbled. "And the Ministry, don't get me started. They're so stupid. If they thought Harry was lying about something so serious, why not give him Veritaserum and ask him? He'll have to tell the truth."

     Emandeline paused. "Well actually that's a really good idea. I wonder why they haven't done that."

     "Because wizards are idiots and Muggles are actually way smarter than them," Aveline replied. She felt calmer than she had been when she was in the hall, not as angry and riled up.

     Please don't develop a dependency on weed.

     Whaaaat? Never.

     Emandeline fell quiet for a little while. The silence wasn't awkward or tense. It was quite comfortable on both ends. They found they liked each other's presence and didn't always need to fill it with words or conversation.

     "Really deep question," the Ravenclaw finally said after at least 7 minutes.

     Aveline hummed quietly, her head against the pillar and her eyes closed. She didn't know what kind of weed those Hufflepuffs were making, but it definitely wasn't a regular kind. The effects of it were hitting her harder than normal.

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