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     History of Magic was just as boring as Aveline figured it would be. She mindlessly clicked her pen ( she refused to use a quill, ink, and parchment ) and stared off into space.

     Occasionally, she would catch Harry looking at her and he would deviate his attention the moment she turned to him. Everytime it happened, her heart rate picked up and her face got hot.

     "Where were you two all morning?" Hermione asked as the class ended and everyone walked out. She had just finished scolding Harry and Ron for copying her notes and never putting in effort.

     Mariah and Aveline looked at Hermione.

     "We got breakfast late," Mariah said.

     "Aveline," Ron said, "I heard you blew up at Pansy Parkinson this morning, I reckon it's true?"

     "You what?!" Harry and Hermione exclaimed.

     "She's an annoying bitch," Aveline dismissed, "I just told her to shut the fuck up. That's all. If she goes crying to a teacher about that . . . what do I care?"

     Mariah raised her eyebrows, "wow."

     A fine misty drizzle was falling over the courtyard, so that the people standing in huddles around the yard looked blurred at the edges. Harry, Aveline, Ron, Mariah, and Hermione chose a secluded corner under a heavily dripping balcony, turning up the collars of their robes against the chilly September air.

     "Aveline," said Mariah, "why are Emandeline Viscorro and her Ravenclaw friends staring at you and laughing?"

     Aveline looked across the courtyard to where Emandeline sat with other Ravenclaws. Sure enough, they were smiling and laughing as they all stared at Aveline.

     "No clue, but I don't like it," Aveline mumbled and turned her attention away from them, "she seemed nice at the Sorting Ceremony. She said I seemed like fun."

     "Well, she isn't giving that impression now," Mariah said lowly as Harry shot the Ravenclaws a nasty look.

     "Hermione," Aveline said after a few moments of silence, "could I copy your History of Magic notes?"

     "Oh, HONESTLY-"

     "Relax! Just this once! It's my first day and I wasn't expecting the class to be that boring. Plus, I don't have my meds which makes it impossible to concentrate on something for too long," Aveline rambled.

     Hermione huffed and pulled her notes out of her bag. She handed them to Aveline who smiled brightly.

     "Thanks so much, Mione," she said.

     While Aveline was hunched over her papers and Hermione's parchment, she heard someone approach them.

     "Hello, Harry!"

     Aveline looked up and saw Cho Chang beaming down at Harry. Harry looked up and sent Cho a friendly smile.

     "Hi," he said.

     "You got that stuff off, then?" Cho asked.

     "Er . . . yeah," Harry said awkwardly.

     Aveline rolled her eyes and returned to copying Hermione's notes. She felt a tinge of annoyance bubbling inside of her. But why?

     Harry had a life long before she arrived, who was she to be annoyed by Cho's awkward attempt at flirting or whatever the hell she was trying to do.

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