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     Aveline spent the rest of the train ride wandering around the train and talking to random students.

     They all seemed to think she had an accent and that her choice of words were peculiar, but funny nonetheless.

     When the train began to slow, Aveline made her way back to her original compartment.

     "There you are! You disappeared on us," Hermione frowned. In the compartment now were Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville Longbottom — a fifth year Gryffindor — and Luna Lovegood — a fourth year Ravenclaw.

     "The kids here are pretty swaggy," Aveline remarked, "they think I'm hilarious. Boosting my ego and shit."

     "Pretty what?" Ginny asked.

     "Hello," Luna said dreamily, "who are you?"

     "Aveline DeMourdant," Aveline smiled, "you're Luna, right?"

     "That's right. You're very pretty and smart," Luna replied.

     "Awe shucks," Aveline grinned, "thanks and you must be Neville."

     Neville turned red and nodded, "yeah— yes, that's me."

     "Nice to meet you, anyhow. We're slowing down, so I came to get my stuff," Aveline said. She felt a twinge of disappointment in her chest though she didn't know why.

     It was cast aside by the excitement Aveline felt for attending Hogwarts. Something she only ever dreamed of.

     In the background, Aveline could hear a brisk, female voice calling for all first years as everyone disembarked the Hogwarts Express and Aveline paused.

     Was she supposed to go with the first years? As it was technically her first year.

     "Aveline!" A voice called. The teenager spun around and came face-to-face with Professor Minerva McGonagall.

     "Minnie! I mean— fuck, Professor McGonagall," Aveline corrected, smiling at Professor McGonagall.

      "The Headmaster asked me to escort you across the lake with the other first years. You are to wait in the corridor outside the Great Hall until the Headmaster introduces you," Professor McGonagall explained quickly, ushering Aveline along.

     "Oh, and the fucking fag— I mean, freaking guy couldn't come tell me himself?" Aveline huffed.

     Professor McGonagall sent Aveline a sly look and shook her head. "He's busy at the moment. Hurry along before you miss the boat."

     "Oh, what the fuck?" Aveline mumbled as she saw how fucking enormous the Great Lake was. "What the fuck?! Thalasophobia going strong as fuck right now!"

     "Miss DeMourdant, please mind your language around the first years," Professor McGonagall sighed before disappearing.

     Aveline looked around and saw a bunch of 11-year-old ankle biters staring up at her.

     "Oh . . . hey," she mumbled.

      The trip across the Lake was much smoother than Aveline expected, which helped with her anxiety the whole way across.

     "If this shit tips over, I'm killing everyone here and then myself," she had said.

     "Isn't that against the law?" One of the first years had asked.

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