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     Over the night, Lavender, Parvati, nor Hermione uttered a single word to Aveline.

     Aveline could feel their hesitation and their slight fear. She knew that her episode earlier had genuinely scared a few people.

     Doesn't mean that Lavender and Parvati didn't whisper about it all night.

     "They say she's mad," Lavender whispered, "I reckon they're right."

     "Why else would Harry Potter want to snog her?" Parvati agreed. "Unless she's just as insane as he is."

     Aveline had had enough after that. The low blow really hurt her whether or not she wanted to admit it to herself.

     "Why don't both of you sorry ass, gossiping fuckasses shut the fuck up and go to sleep?" Aveline snarled, still curled up on her bed.

     Lavender and Parvati were silent the rest of the night.

     They were also the first ones out the dorm in the morning. Mariah had to go see Blaise so she was right behind them.

     Hermione hung back.

     "I— Are— um, are you... alright?" She asked timidly, standing by the door.

     Aveline nodded, staring out the window with her back to Hermione. She hadn't gotten out of bed since yesterday.

     Hermione nodded promptly before leaving the dorm.

     Aveline didn't move even after Hermione had left. She couldn't go down there. She couldn't face everyone after what had happened.

     Especially since they were all probably going to act like Lavender and Parvati.


     Aveline frowned and sat up, looking around. There was nobody in the dorm.

     So who the fuck said that?

     She shook her head and rubbed her eyes before laying back down. She'd skip all her classes that day if she so chose.

     Aveline... come— commons— talk.

     Aveline shot up in alarm. Where the fuck was that voice coming from?!

     The same voice you heard in Potions yesterday?

     Oh my God! It's Harry!

     Mind reading soulmate shit.

     We might not be soulmates so hush.

     Aveline was beginning to gather that this must've been Harry testing the boundaries of whatever connection they might have. He seemed to put two and two together from yesterday.

     Okay, maybe he's a little smart.

     Smart and he wants to talk to you.


     Aveline hesitated before getting out of bed and getting ready. She paused at the door before slowly opening it and going down to the common room.

     She was relieved to find nobody else there except for two second years, a first year, and Harry.

     Aveline pulled the sleeves of her hoodie down over her hands and sat down on the sofa. Harry was sitting at the other end.

BREAK FROM TORONTO, HARRY POTTER.Where stories live. Discover now