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     Aveline made her way to Professor McGonagall's office 15 minutes before 5:00. She had no desire to be late, get berated, and lose her temper with her favorite teacher.

     She'd had 2 hours to calm down and she had for the most part, but every now and then her anger would flare up and she felt like socking someone in the throat.

     Luckily, no one made any attempts to speak to her on the way to McGonagall's office. When she arrived, Aveline knocked on the door and awaited an answer.

     "Enter," Professor McGonagall's old voice called.

     Aveline opened the door and walked in.

     "Zabini, have a seat," Professor McGonagall sighed and Aveline did as told, silently.

     "How was dinner?" Professor McGonagall asked politely.

     Aveline shrugged. "Didn't go. Wasn't hungry."

     Half lie.

     Professor McGonagall stared at Aveline for a moment before sighing. "Have a biscuit."

     "I already said—"

     "They're snickerdoodles." Professor McGonagall cut in. Aveline grumbled and took a cookie, biting into it. It was actually really good.

     "Zabini," said Professor McGonagall, looking at Aveline, "do you understand the rules of Quidditch?"

     "Vaguely," Aveline muttered.

     "What do you know?" Professor McGonagall asked, peering at Aveline from the other side of her desk.

     "I know it's played on brooms. There's two beaters, a chaser, a seeker, and a keeper... or is it two keepers?" Aveline muttered.

     "Three chasers, two beaters, one seeker, one keeper," Professor McGonagall corrected.

     "Fuck me, I was way off," Aveline mumbled, "anyway. There's the Quaffle which is the big ball. Two bludgers which are the medium sized little menaces that try to kill you. Then the golden snitch, which ends the game if the Seeker catches it."

     Professor McGonagall nodded.

     "Chasers fly around the field. They avoid the bludgers and try to get the Quaffle in the goals. Beaters also fly around the field. Their job is to protect everyone else from bludgers. The Seeker flies on the field as well and their only goal is to collect the snitch and end the game. I forgot what Keepers do," Aveline explained.

     "They remain by the goalposts," Professor McGonagall said, "their task is to block the other team from scoring."

     "Oh ... yeah," Aveline nodded, "anyway, why are you asking me this?"

     "You're fairly new here at Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall, "I didn't want to give you a serious detention as you didn't necessarily do anything wrong."

     Aveline's mouth twitched slightly as she tried to hide her smile.

     "For your detention time this week, you will complete your homework for the day. You will serve your time when Quidditch games begin," Professor McGonagall said.

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