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     The next morning, Aveline was woken up by Hermione shaking her and calling her name. "Come on, get up," she said, "we've got to get breakfast."

     Aveline waved Hermione off and stretched. She laid in bed for an extra 30 minutes before getting up and going into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face and decided to take a shower at the end of the day because it would be too time consuming.

     She grumbled angrily when she realized she still didn't have any edge control.

     "There has to be a fucking spell for this shit," Aveline whispered.

     "Aveline?" Mariah asked from outside the door. "Alright in there?"

     "Ugh, no," Aveline groaned, "I don't have any hair gel."

     "Oh, I've got some. I use it to put my hair in a ponytail. Very strong, got it custom made. It's in the first drawer to your right. How much do you need?" Mariah explained.

     "Not much," Aveline assured as she pulled the little gel container out the drawer. She could do her edges with her fingers, no problem. Aveline quickly did as she needed and put the container back before opening the door.

     Mariah looked at Aveline's baby hairs and gasped. "That's really pretty! Where did you learn that?"

     "Um. . . long story," Aveline chuckled awkwardly.

     Mariah scoffed and laughed quietly. "Wait for me, will you?"

     Aveline nodded as Mariah walked into the bathroom and closed the door. She sighed and changed into a Notorious B.I.G. graphic tee and black jeans and put on her robes over it. She prayed there were no hot classrooms in the castle.

     Mariah and Aveline went to breakfast together, though there weren't too many people by the time they arrived, though a group of Slytherins caught Aveline's eye.

     "Are you related to Blaise Zabini?" Mariah asked when she noticed Aveline looking at the group of Slytherins.

     "I'm about to find out," Aveline shrugged as she went over to the Slytherin table and took the seat across from Blaise which happened to be beside Adrian Pucey.

     "What the bloody —" Draco began.

     "Shut it, ferret," Aveline snapped, "I'm not talking to you."

     "What are you here for?" Theodore Nott asked.

     Aveline looked at Blaise, "to talk to you."

     "Well, go figure," Blaise deadpanned.

     "Don't get smart with me, Zabini," Aveline warned, "I'm here peacefully, but if you wanna go, we can go."

     "Go where?" Daphne inquired.

     "It's just a saying," Aveline dismissed, "means I'm gonna kick his ass."

     Adrian pursed his lips, "I like you."

     "What's your blood status?" Pansy asked haughtily.

     Aveline opened her mouth to reply and then stopped, "I don't know actually. My dad could've been . . . anything, I guess."

     "What kind of idiot doesn't know their own blood status?" Draco scoffed and Pansy snickered.

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