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     Aveline had not awoken until late in the day. She was glad nobody had had the guts to wake her.

     Otherwise, she might've stabbed them in the eye with her wand.

     When she had woken up, Lala was asleep at the foot of her bed and the room was empty.

     Hermione and Ginny most likely woke up at a decent hour.

     Aveline had gotten ready for the day, though she gagged when she saw a roach skitter across the bathroom floor. She went to a different bathroom which happened to be Fred and George's.

     It was rather clean for two rowdy teenage boys.

     Aveline took off her bonnet as she brushed her teeth and shoved it in the right pocket of her sweatpants before pulling it out and shoving it in the left pocket and taking it out again.

     Neither way felt right, so she held it in her hand.

     She went back to her bedroom and frowned. She didn't have any edge control. Her baby hairs were frayed and wild and she cringed at the sight.

     "This is so ghetto," she mumbled. She grabbed a t-shirt and tied it around her head like a bandana before going downstairs.

     "Good morning, squad," Aveline greeted.

     "Morning, Aveline," Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George chorused.

     "Good morning, dear," Molly said.

      "Thought you'd never wake," said Sirius, teasingly.

      "Shut up, grease head," Aveline deadpanned. Sirius's jaw dropped and he looked mildly offended.

      Ginny put her hand over her mouth, trying to conceal her laughter. Fred and George snickered and Ron snorted.

     "Goodness," Hermione mumbled.

     "Aveline, dear, are you hungry? We've still got some leftovers from breakfast this morning," Molly said.

     "Um . . . yes. I am actually," Aveline nodded.

     "What is that on your head?" Ron inquired as Molly began to put together Aveline's meal.

     "A t-shirt because I don't have any edge control with me," Aveline deadpanned, "actually, is there anywhere I can get some?"

     "What in Godric's name is edge control?" Sirius asked.

     "It's like . . . fuck's sake. It helps keep my hair down — it's like a strong gel!" Aveline explained.

     "Gel?" Ginny frowned.

     "Hair gel, yes," Hermione nodded, "I don't think you can buy any here. Maybe we can concoct some. Fred and George are of age and can use magic outside of school now."

     "Will you help?" Aveline asked the twins, smiling sweetly.

     "'Course we will, mate!" George exclaimed.

     "We're happy to be of service!" Fred added.

     "You guys are fucking awesome," Aveline complimented.

     "Language, Aveline," Molly sighed as she set a plate before Aveline.

     "Whoops, sorry," Aveline said, "thanks."

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