1: Drunk Welcome

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When I got back, I still have the room to myself. Yet hindi ako kampante dahil sigurado na one of these days, that person might arrive anytime.

The next morning, I spent few hours searching up more ways to kick your new roommate out. The most prevalent answer is: “You cannot force a roommate out of your apartment or remove their name from the lease simply because you want them to leave. You have to consult with your landlord or property manager and be sure that everything is done the right way.” And that's stupid.

If Ate Mariz has some problems to it that I don't know yet then she would've never agree to it. But her tenacity to prepare me from what's upcoming tells me the opposite.

Some pranks were the only choices I've got; that way, if they grew tired of everything, they will choose to leave! It's not new to me, this humiliating people around but in my room?

You see, the idea above is great but it can be more effective if I know who is it and see what he or she fears then I'll use that against him or her! I have plans now and ready to spearhead everything that the pressure of another year of school does not faze me.

Is he scared of ghosts? Because I'm not.

Does he or she finds insects terrifying? I, never.

What would be his or her reaction if I put hindrances to this everyday classes to the point he or she will find it embarrassing to cross every UW steps with shaving foam sticking out his or her clothes or shoes?

I was never like this; the whole world brought out the worst version I could be.

Ate Mariz is still asking about the room and I always answer the same. I wish she'll sense that her absence of information about when is that gonna come is just making worst of it all. Yet I know that maybe as soon as first day starts, that will arrive.

"Is this all?"

My classmate nods her head and check the folders once more, "Iyan lang ang sabi, check mo na lang, ah? Magaling ka naman diyan, eh."


I was about to close the door but she's glancing inside, "What is it?"

"Oh!" she jumps. "Nothing, ah, tinitingan ko lang kung... kung may kasama ka na talaga riyan."

"The hell you mean?"

"Hindi ba magkakaroon ka na ng roommate?" her tone is telling me the unfairness of what I've been relishing. "Is he same course? Or she? Babae ba?"

Raising my brows, I gave a small view to her and raised my finger; she took a step back. "I never fucked someone else since vacation started, how come I'll be having someone else now in here?"

She swallowed and left without saying anything. Groaning, I closed the door and busied myself with what Professor asked me to do. Every time my head remembers, I gawk at the door, sense a small movement of twisting the fob or picking key in the hole but I finished everything and the sun has gone in the horizon, no one came.

The cooking for dinner is the only one who almost stopped me from asking Ate if she's just fucking me up. I know na may ilang course na next week pa siguro ang klase kaysa sa amin at baka hindi pa sila pupunta ngayon but...

The first plan to kick that person out is a splash of cream at its face as soon as he opens the another vacant cabinet. The mahogany cabinet with countless boxes are all mine but inayos ko ang iilan at nilipat muna sa iba para magbigay ng thought na handa ako sa pagdating niya. Yet what it's about to face is a small plane I made with long rod that carries a small plate I plastered and string that is glued on the door; once opened, the string will be pulled, triggered the part of the rod to move and bam!

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