6: Lorenzo Miguel

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Blood was pulsing in my ears.

How long I stood there, I don't know. However, the hawk eyes staring and boring holes at me still there— intense, burning me to death.

Primo broke the silence by fake cough. "Nandito na pala si Migs. I can leave now so four of you will have a great con—"

"No, hijo, stay." her sugary voice woke the beast in me. She used to use that fruity tone on me before, back when I'm still under her heinous spell. "Besides, this is where you sleep right? Saan ka pupunta kung iiwan mo kami ngayon?"

His eyes fixated on me but I didn't stare back. The tall man continued on pacing back and forth inside the room, checking the tables and the frames Primo hung on the walls. The other one is silently gawping at me, as if she wants to say something, do something but her body is tied on an invisible rope and can't do anything.

"Privacy matters, Ma'am." he smiled. God. Don't fall for that, kid! "Bibili din ako ng pagkain, Ma'am. I think Migs has not yet eaten; I'm the one incharge cooking here, that's why."

My brother and sister guffawed; my blood turned thicker and hot. "Primo." I snapped.

He looks at me as if asking for why I acted like I berate him from divulging secret code to the enemies. "And what's so funny about that, huh?"

"That explains why the bank has stopped informing us you ceased from ordering foods online." said brother. "Now we know."

"I don't think what I ate or not has got something to do with your lives." Slowly, my courage elevating back in my head. "What are you three even doing here? Got exhausted from calling me relentlessly?"

"Kuya, huwag ka nang mag-maangan na hindi mo alam na lagi naming ginagawa 'to." she boasted.

"And I'm still surprised you don't get the ignored calls of mine and why I do that, huh?"

Mother's wearing a long white dress, some gold jewelries are glistening under the dorm fluorescents: her belt, necklaces, braceletes and even the head piece she's wearing. I caught Primo looking at one before she starts walking towards me.

"Come in, Lorenzo. This is your dorm; it'd be rude to let the owner stay outside and the visitors already inside."

"You are fuc—"

Pinanlakihan niya ako ng tingin. She has this long but proportioned features; my other siblings got almost all of it but I'm glad I didn't. I'd completely spite my face every time I see it in the mirror.

"It's rude too to just come here without the invitation of the people living here." I said. "I didn't invite you here; have you, Primo?"

All eyes are back on him. Surprised, he nods and shakes his head at the same time. I can't figure out what he's feeling right now, so am I to my own. But I hate that he's innocent when he shouldn't be.

Bakit ba ngayon lang ako umuwi?

"You're letting in the night breeze, close the door and Lorzaine, order something for five of us. Huwag ka na umalis, hijo. What's your name again?"

"It's not of your business, Ma." sipat ko bago pa siya makasagot.

She acted like I was nothing and asked it once again. Rolling my eyes, I turn my focus back on the two. Lorzaine is still sitting but talking to someone on the phone. Meanwhile, my older brother, Logan, is perusin my pens and papers on the table.

"Will you stop touching my things?"

My laments was greeted with derision. Snatching back my red pen, he crossed his hands together. "School all good?"

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