24: Proud of You

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"He did—no! You did that?!"

I am beyond grateful to hear Primo's scandalous laughing than the continuous beeping and silent steps of people outside this hospital room. My hand found its way to temple and caressed it; it didn't last long as Primo shooed it away and did it for me.

"Ano pa ba ang gagawin ko? Kiss him back?" it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. "Seriously, if I knew you as someone unfaithful, I'd think you're snogging my brother behind my back."

He pinched my temple so hard I thought it cracked. "Dami mong naiisip, ha! But what did he say? About why he's doing... that?"

Maybe it's me... maybe it's just me jumping to conclusions that this kid liked to be kissed by that man. Because if it's not me, he wouldn't find Logan attempting to kiss-welcome him as funny but disgusting. The face he's making now is enough to make me piss myself.

The utmost revulsion is etched all over Primo's face. As if he just stepped into a shit.

"I told you, he probably thought it was you inside."

"How? E sabi mo sinabihan mo na bukas 'yung pintuan but..."

"Beats me. But I wish Mother went berserk at him; I can imagine the face he's shown at the company earlier. Must have been embarassing."

I thought he's gonna push through with the conversation but he just hummed and asked if I can eat now. I've been here all day but the appetite I used to have is still MIA. Perhaps all the things the doctor and the nursed had done on me is still kicking, making me a little discombobulated about how life works.

"Eat it. Wala pa rin." singhal ko at napapikit na lang.

Ngayon lang nakapunta si Primo dahil I personally asked Cai to let him know na hapon na lang ako puntahan. See, the migraine I'm feeling didn't cease even in our classmates' house. Pakiramdam ko nga nawalan ako ng malay habang nandoon pero walang nakapansin because they are having too much fun to notice me on the side.

They managed to call it a day last night but I can't. Ako lang ang hindi makatulog at pinipilit na magising sa takot na baka hindi na magising. The doctor had learn this and I was reprimanded a little earlier. What can I do? I'm not a student who studies medicine or what... I was just assuring I won't lose my life.

It was Cai who woke up and saw me first and there's no point denying it when my head feels like being ripped in two. The journey to this hospital was haze and I slept without noticing I fell asleep. I woke up few hours later with the doctor beside me and told me that I was in overstressed state.

At least they did their jobs and the ripping in my head subsides and I feel a better light now. Only that I know I'm hungry but my body doesn't recognize it for a while.

"Did you finish your reports or what?" I ask to break the silence.

"Kapag ako naman ay laging natatapos." he grins. "It's good to terrorize them a little."

"Yeah, you're a little scary when you're mad as hell."

"Only if I have good reason to." he rolls his eyes and offered a spoonful of porridge. "Try one, if you don't want it, spit it in my hand."

And that really happened. Pretty sure he's not trying to poison me but the moment the porridge touches my tounge, as if it was soaked in some acid, I gagged and spit it on him. Primo just casually laughed while seizing what I omit.

"Fuck, this headache will go away but my body will eat my stomach instead."

I tried to think of other things while he cleans himself and all I remember are the things I needed to finish. Paano pa kaya sa fourth year? Baka suki na ako rito? It's weird... I wasn't like this before... Except for the time I was stabbed... that was different. I survived the first and second year without getting hospitalized...

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