18: Went Overboard

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Life's just giving me more reasons to hate birthdays.

"Do you have to go here every damn day?!"

Her smile faltered but didn't leave her pale face. She's wearing that ridiculous bright red lipstick again I had a hunch she's not really here or she bribed someone to let her wear something like that.

"I'm just waiting on Primo, Miguel!" she shrieks.

Today, a day before Valentine's day, she's wearing a blue and red dress. Her hair is in pony tail or something and her body's radiating a good vibes this morning.

"You can just wait for him downstairs!" I snapped. "No need to flash your face right at our door and surprise me every time I open it!"

"I'm checking if there's still people inside! Anong mali roon, huh?" she beams more. "Ang init ng ulo mo sa akin, Miguel, wala naman akong ginagawa."

Ever since Primo's birthday ended, she's always right in front of our room, obviously waiting for Primo. Aside from the fact her face is literally leaning on the closed door all the time, she's not saying anything than asking if Primo's already out or not.

Ngayon lang siya naglakas ng loob sabihin ang siguradong naiisip.

"What you're doing is obviously stalking! Babae ka pa man din! Bakit ka naghahabol?!"

This time, as if every ties of her patience had snapped. Primo called behind me but her, starting to red, face transfixed at mine. "I wish I knew what I did for I to accept this behavior of yours, Migs. But no."

"There's nothing to know!" singhal ko. "I'll be glad to stop bickering in your face if you stopped doing this! You're a creep! Just wait Primo downstairs!" pushing her, I trudge away, still fuming and breathless.

Upon arriving, my atmosphere didn't match the classroom's as I take my seat. Everyone is recharged with the talk of what's gonna happen tomorrow. My ruler fell and I almost pick it up (still groaning) but Cai did and tapped my shoulders.

"Too early to sulk?" he chuckles. "Seriously, dude, parang last week, kalmado kami na nagiging okay ka na. Tapos balik ka na naman."

I have no idea where I should be more offended: the one where he insinuated I really have a mental problem that I stopped being weird once then returned being at it or the realization of how long I'm starting my day with such vexxed mood.

"Fuck off." I grunt and just returned the ruler back in my pouch.

"Anong nangyari ba?" he pulls one chair in front.

"Hey! Miranda, uupo na ako!" angil ng isang babae.

"Sit somewhere at the mean time," he smiles and returned to me. "Kami nga dapat ang mainis kasi hindi kami inimbitahan sa birthday party ng roommate mo."

"Who said it's because of that damned party?!"

"See? Inamin mo rin." ngiwi nito. "I heard it's great. But you said damned. So something really happened."

"Nag early take ka na siguro ng exams?" Antoinette appeared behind him. "Kaya ka burnout? You fucked it up?"

Cai joined her in laughing. I did not. "How on earth I can do that?"

"I don't know." she paused, contemplating the next words. "Who knows you've been, you know... Baka may nangyari kaya..."

"How is that possible? Last Monday e pumasok nga 'yan!" the owner of the chair shouted at him again; he deflected it. "Pero oo nga, 'no? Paano mo nasabi?"

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