14: New Year's Day

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"Migs! Let's go!"

Her piercing blue eyes didn't leave my eyes; not even for one second, her eyes are like smiling at me too. Drinking the whiskey to heat my temperature up, I ignored whoever shouted that.

"And maybe you'd like to know," I laugh, almost kissing the fur of my collar. "Asians are best at taking care of people they love."

"I know that," she said in sugary tone. "Princess Diana was once reported to hire Filipina maids to take care of the princes because she knows they care a lot about kids."

"Well, I can prove you that," I pulled the tissue in front and look for a pen. "If you'd give me your number."

"For Pete's sake, Lorenzo Miguel! Halika na!"

She laughs, giving me an impression she's finally melting down. We've been in this pub the moment the sun finally bid goodbye but the city still covered in thick, and white icing. Pub is noy that packed but in front of the bar itself, there's too many and we're one of them.

"Oh... I don't think I can."

"Why?" I said, beaming more at her. "I can lend you my ID! I'm not a rapist or whatever you might think I am!"

"Silly of you! Of course not!"

"But why..." I tapped the pen on the polished tiled counter and looked down on it. "You live around here? We stay near the Empire State Building."

"I am." she said incredulously.

"Migs! Ano ba! Aalis na 'yung taxi!"

Her green dress is hugging her body so much that when she didn't speak, I gawped at it and think about how woild it feel under my hands. Her bob blonde hair is perfectly combed, fair skin, almost like Marilyn Monroe...

"I just met you, babe..."

"We can know each oth—" hindi ko na natapos ang sasabihin dahil may biglang pumihit sabl tenga ko. Bringing me up to my feet, she laughs and bid a goodbye to me. "Can I still see you around?!" I shouted but the oak doors had finally closed.

Clutching my red and throbbing ear after being pushed inside a taxi, I sulked over Primo's peeved face. "Take us to this address, please." he offered his phone to the old driver and brought it back after the driver agreed.

"Why do you have to do that?" looking back, wala na sa view ang kaninang pub. "I almost cracked her name!"

"Seriously, Migs, iyon lang ba ginagawa mo noong umaalis ka mag-isa?" iritado niya pa ring sabi. His face, though covered in thick and woolen jacket, is flaming red. "I can count how many times you'd hit on someone with my fingers!"

"I didn't ask you to count it for me," I grunt. "And why do you care? I'm having a good time meeting new people."

"You don't know them!"

"Kaya nga nagpapakilala, eh?" irap ko.

"Kahit na! Buti sana kung attentive ka sa mga kinakausap mo!" he mouthed, spitting some on me. "Remember the one you'd hit on at the Empire Building? She almost stole your wa—"

"You're over exaggerating," sumandal na lang ako sa upuan. Oh, God. Another day in New York had passed and I can't wait to lay on my hotel bed. "She's too beautiful to mug me."

"Oh, yeah?" he taunts. "What about the gay friend of auburn girl we talked while we're shopping? If only you're not boasting your card, do you think he'll fake a fall to snit—"

"Shhh." angat ko ng kamay. "I want to sleep. Gisingin mo na lang ako."

I'm not sure if I became too lethargic in this travel because Primo's with me or I have to deal with his, sometimes, childish behavior? Doesn't matter; they are the same. And ever since we arrived here almost two weeks ago, I'm now starting to question if his existence with me was a good decision I'd ever made. Though I wouldn't deny the huge discrepancy between me, being alone before and now that I have company, I can't admit which one is better.

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