5: Pre-Birthday Shambles

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I can give million reasons why I loathed the eight month of the year. First, it's still rainy season that month and there's a high probability my sketches and drawings will get wet. Second, the UW University is like a dead and gloomy place every time the sun is not peeking behind a heavy cloud or if the sun is not burning every students and staff of the school. Third, the month of August has the highest chance my ghosts of past will visit me from the grave I've buried them.

To tell you honestly, I could go on and on about why it's the most stupid and uninteresting month of the year but simply: it's because it's my birth month.

"Can't you breathe silently?!"

Primo jumped on his bed, the laptop clutched on his check. "I'm not doing anything, Migs."

"Why don't you just play some stupid records of yours than letting the air get contaminated by your loud breathing?"

The rain shower outside doesn't help with concealing his breathing; Primo nods aggressively that instead of continuing whatever he's got on his laptop, he lays on the bed and covered himself. Next minutes, his breathing slowed down; he fell asleep.

"Well, that maybe a bad idea."

Him being awake on the floor is giving me the same mood but now that he's stopped doing his shits, I don't know if I could still pay the same attention to my plates. May isang oras naman kaming vacant before the actual class of this assignment... bukas na lang.

"Hey! Hey, hey, birthday boy!"

"Shut up," Cai swung his arm on my should the moment I got out of our professor's office which I quickly removed. "Napasa mo na? I think I'm a little bit late."

"Yep! And no." he laughs. "Alam mo naman na basta makita ni Prof sa table niya 'yan, okay na 'yon. Paranoid much, huh?"

Umirap lang ako. "Anyway, they are conducting a group study sa bahay ni McArte. Sama ka?"

"For what?"

"Orgy, pare."

"Gago ka ba?" siniko ko siya. "Nasa harap tayo ng mga offices, asshole."

Bumugso ang tawa niya. Thankfully, walang mga professor sa likod o napadaan man lang. If there's one, I don't know if I still have ten percent chance on taking the exam after fourth year.

"I literally said 'group study', Miguel. Why did you even ask what for?"

"I don't know. Scam ka, remember the one last year you asked me to come over to your friend's house? But what did I find? Huh?"

He tries to cover my mouth but his palm tasted like water. "'To naman! Para sa exam! Okay na? Okay na? Kailangan pa ipaalala?"

"You could've said that than answering me with group sex." I roll my eyed and feel the rain. "Go on, I'll use the loo first. Kapag dumating si Prof, umihi lang ako kamo."

Still chuckling and frantic-looking, I turn left as the bathrooms of every UW building is located the far end of the west side. But this loo is out of order. Yeah right. Kaya nga hindi ako sumabay sa kaniya para hindi masyadong mabasa...

I can just use the one at our building but it's too far. The rain is still bucketing down the whole school and I ran to our building with no stop, I'll look like I had a rain bath.

But I really need to use one so I muster all the courage and ran for the nearby building. It's the building of first years and looks like the building for BusinessAd course. That course rings a bell in me but it's less of my concern.

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