10: Track Fourteen

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First date with Veni went great!

I felt a little bad she's already waiting at the entrance when I arrived but said she just, too, arrived and perhaps asking her to come there wasn't a good idea; the mall needed some renovations and some of the stores are out-of-date to what stores usually MOA has. Nevertheless, when I brought her home, to her condo, she's still got that lovely smile on her small and rosy comely face. She even kissed me goodbye!

Almost dancing, I pluck the knob with the keys I got, though it doesn't need one as it's not locked and Primo is obviously still awake. "Charming night! I think I'm in love!"

May mga natira pa kaming pagkain and I insisted leaving them on the table but Veni, who knew her cousin's my roommate, told me to just bring those home. Not wanting to ruin our mood, I followed.

A sound of pencils or pen being dropped on tabls harshly can be hear on my left. There, Primo sitting comfortably behind his desk, laptop all open and orange.

"You never told me Veni liked outdoors date than indoors!"

He stand up as I hang the gold and black belt I'd used. "You didn't ask," he gloatingly answered. "And kakakilala n'yo pa lang kanina."

"She also mentioned her business in England! Pity, I went there last freshmen holidays! May binisita lang; if I had known, is her café there beautiful like her?"

Primo shot me a timid look. "Dunno."

Found him perusing the foods I'd taken home after taking off my pants; all what's left is my branded striped boxers and put it in the hamper. "Migs, magshort ka nga!"

"What? Come on, don't act like you've got no dick to be that embarrassed," I shake my hips in elation and beamed harder. "Veni asked me to bring it home to you. You ate? Kainin mo na kung hindi pa."

I haven't used my phone all the time I've been with her but sometimes I nip it and capture her without Veni noticing it. As I sat on my bed, I checked those measly pictures (I know if we continue seeing each other, mas dadami iyon) and picked the one where she's contemplating about two lotions and I took a picture, her sideways looking magnificent under that shop's bright lightings.

"I guess you still know what you agreed earlier?" he asked suddenly while I pull the shirt on my body. "Sabihan ko nga siya at baka malimutan mo kapag magkasama kayo."

"What's with the sad voice, Villonco?" I taunt. "You see, you're acting like me when I learned my sister has suitors while she's in elementary; the thing is, you're not her brother. Higpit mo p're, huh?"

I haven't got any idea if she turned crimson red from being shy or incensed. "Masama ba na maging protective sa relatives ko?"

Yet my mind is flying from the date earlier. "Her dad owns an empire company here in the Philippines, is that your uncle? Or you're cousin with her from her mom?"

He looks at me with unfathomable face. "Dunno."

"Hey! How come you didn't know?!" I rattled him as I nip one meat on the table. "Spill it, Villonco. It's a good first step! To get to know her!"

"Just ask her about herself next time," iritado niyang diin. "I don't want to eat anymore; I just stayed awake to know if nakauwi siya nang maayos."

"Ako pa ba?" sinampal ko ang dibdib. "I've got a ride kaya hinatid ko na siya! Look! Can you still see her lipstick stain on my cheeks! Damn, Villonco, she's the only girl I took out on a date that kissed me!"

"Big deal na sa'yo 'yun?"

"Without I initiating to reach for her face!" proud kong sabi. Basag mood 'to. "Whatever, I'll put into my mind what you suggested."

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