30: See You

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I am standing before an abandoned building that gives off a creepy and solitude vibes. Its walls are not painted, nor even planned to, and every foundations a naked eyes can gloat too are fading away—some cracks are visible and the holes where windows supposed to sit into are bare and left open, as if telling every birds or animals that they are pleased to welcome them home. There are no lights that can be seen from inside but the street lights, at least, illuminated these walls made of roof used to prevent anyone from coming in. Yet, this position I'm standing on has a huge gap of space, a grassy entrance, and the roof that was used as a gate is thrown aside fifty meters from my left. The odd curve where it's attached gave me an impression the gate was kicked down by a large troll and flew so high.

Nevertheless, no one can compare how cold I am—from head to toe, all I can feel are cold, trembling, yearning, and anger. I quickly ran for insides but shit myself for leaving my phone inside the car. The flashlight of my phone wasn't bright enough yet enough to illuminate the way I'm crossing to.

I try looking for any sign of life from every five holes in every floor (it has ten floors) but I see nothing. An owl fluttered on the roof and vanished in night sky.

"Emma!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Where's Primo?! I don't know why you're doing this to me! To Primo! Show yourself! I'm not afraid!"

I'm pretty sure I'm at the right place. The darkness crept me up like a curtain fell down on me and for a second, I thought I step on some pillow but it's a man's chest; a loud growl escaped my mouth upon seeing an unconscious man lying on the ground full of gravel.

I knew this isn't dead as it's still breathing, but slowly. I shoved back my phone in pocket and pulled him until he leans on a post. "I'll be right back." then I continued hurrying inside.

The hooting of birds continue reverberating outside the opened walls and the misty air started to build pressure that the air I'm breathing in is making me hard to breath properly. My instinct told me to search for every unoccupied and obstructed rooms from afar but there are too many if I managed to find them, Primo might...

No... They can't be... They didn't finish Ate Mariz off. Nor they will do differently to Primo... Dadaan muna sila sa akin bago mangyari iyon.

The lifeless and dormant rooms I'm seeing suggested that they weren't in this floor, hurrying to the dark corner where a stair leads to the second one, I can feel from the way my steps vibrate how frantic I am.

My head is still going around with what I learned... Why does Emma planned a kidnapped and held her up just to know about me? About my family? Ate Mariz emphasized the only fact Emma's given her about why she's doing this: So I can open my eyes.

Open my eyes? For what?! Hindi pa ba sapat na sobrang mulat na ng paningin ko ngayong madilim ang bawat lugar na hindi tinatamaan ng flashlight? Just like the first one, this floor is just as repugnant as what's below. The next stairs I took was so precarious, I almost fell down: the second to the last step crumbled down and thankfully I jumped in time.

Yet this time, my hunches were right—it's not the falling debris I only heard earlier: someone's laughing at the very far end where I emerged. A room with a white door is irradiating from twenty meters away where I'm standing. It's not closed completely that gives away to their noises and for a second, as if my hearts or everything inside me melted down before sprinting down the hall.

The door immediately flew like a flying saucer which I immediately regret as it fell down just few inches where Primo was handcuffed and silently sitting on a four-stool wooden chair.

I don't have any time to count how many people are inside but I'd bet ten, not to count together Emma, who's standing sweetly in a red fitted dress and red lipstick, just on Primo's right.

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