27: What They Did...

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“Wala akong pasok bukas!" Primo exclaimed exuberantly.

"Great. We'll pamper ourselves first tapos tulak na tayo papunta roon."

Primo nods fervently and shut the door out. Apparently, I'll be left all alone tonight as he's being invited to some party. Agad na pumasok sa isip ko ay bakit hindi niya ako iimbitahin para kasama niya but just five seconds after saying he's coming, he invited me pero agad din ako humindo.

I stare at my plates reproachfully and drink. There's a sudden project being given earlier at ito na ang ginagawa ko. He insisted on not coming kung hindi ako makakasama but I'm not bad or stupid enough to let him be.  Besides, nakita ko kung gaano siya nasaid these past weeks so he deserves to be outside.

One hour later, he texted me that he's arrived and the party is already wild. Sa totoo lang, 15 minutes pa dumating iyon bago ko tingnan ang telepono dahil nakapag-draft na ako at dumeretso na sa kama para ituloy na lang bukas.

"Haircut, tapos ano pa?" bulong ko sa sarili habang nasa kama. "Groceries? Marami pa kami. Should I buy materials already? Readings?" Pero sa katapusan pa matatapos ang Finals at wala pang announcement kung eligible ako for fourth year.

Bullshit, why wouldn't I? Why wouldn't we?

"I'll figure it out tomorrow." and I rolled on my side.

I was in the same position again: few meters away from me is the same jewelry shop and Mother's still inside. This time, the guards that's protecting her are all on the floors, bleeding... lifeless. I pan my eyes at Mother again and she's not facing me with her back... she's staring at me. Like gloat. Like I was the last person she wants to see.

Suddenly, the floor seemed to become beach waves, it moves me until I'm getting closer to her. There are sounds coming out of her but I can't seem to recognize what was it... she's screaming at me. Or not? I don't know. I looked down and I saw my hands filled with blood and there's a gold string dangling around my pinky finger.

Getting closer, her screams are becoming audible. "I wish you weren't bo—" it stopped. "I wasn't the one to be blame for what th—" Another halt. "My love is pure until you ca—"

The gold string felt like it's becoming molten, and every veins I have in there are pulsating as if it's submerged in a boiling water. I try to let go of the string but I can't; the string started to twist itself around me, boring the fine golds in my blood-soaked arms.

The moment I was filled with golden, I looked up and saw how Mother's now crying. The floor stopped moving, there's a sudden deafening beeping sound across my eardrums.

"What's the—"

But someone tugged my stomach and for a second, I thought the string became a large but skinny snake that started wrapping on my waist but in low light, I smelled Primo's faint perfume, alcohol, and cigarettes fumes that replaced the pood stench I have in my dreams.

His warm breaths engulfed my shivering neck and finally, my eyes awoke and got greeted by the below of his bed. Sighing, and telling myself it's just a stupid dreams, isa-isa kong tiningnan ang bawat parte ng katawan kung puno ba ako ng dugo.

Luckily, I'm not. But Primo's like a baby cuddled around me.

Chuckling, I raise his jaw to make him face me and saw how he's half-awake. "Had a blast?" I whispered in the midnight air.

Primo faintly nods. "You reek in alcohol."

He laughs. Can he hear me properly or his mind just made something funny at the same time I asked that? Pulling away some strands that covers his face, I can still see how flushed he is.

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