12: Time Machine

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All I knew was Primo's now sporting a golden brown hair.

"Our department's theme is any Nickelodeon characters. Si Spongebob lang alam ko na under Nickelodeon, do you think it will suit me?"

I grunt, almost too soundless that he has to ask once again while on top of the double deck. I've been vetting my empty plates I should've started one hour ago but I still feel like a shell; you can still see I'm hard enough, but nothing inside.

Lahat ginawa ko na para makausap uli si Veni. I almost booked a flight to England since I can just whipped some money and lose my mind to some girl I've been obsessing with. I don't care anymore if Mother or Logan will know about if tumuloy ako sa flight: that flight bill won't hurt them as they make tons of fortune each passing hours. But again, I was stopped by the person, I think, I've hurt before Veni had tear me down.

Ayoko nang pumasok. Ayoko nang magising. Ayoko nang puntahan si Papa kahit na sinabi niya the last time I visited I should move on, that there's more other women out there, or I should get a grip or he will stay there forever. Nonetheless, none of those sentiments did pacify me; only Veni could calm me down.

It took three of my professors to finally snapped on me that if I only planned to cry and sob in his class, I better drop this year and just wail about my failed relationship. "My God, lagi na lang ba sa classroom na ito na may umiiyak dahil iniwan?! Prioritize your studies first, guys! That can wait! Let me tell you, once you'd passed the exam and have that title before your name, take it from me, dadagsain kayo ng manliligaw! O liligawan! Promise!"

I, still, managed to crack a little smile.

"Or I can just choose not to attend," Primo sighed. "There will be next year, I can just ditch it up this year."

I want to tell him that this kind of event sometimes can be tedious and he's just right he can ditch off this year but I can't move my lips thoroughly. As if I was threw on the floor again, like what that man did to me or it felt like I've received another bruise from being beaten...

I cried. Again.

Primo hastily went down to kneel down and asked why do I have to make these things hard for me to move on. I can't speak, I can't think straight, I just wanna jump from this floor and don't open my eyes. If Primo can hear my plan, he'll just laugh and say I won't even have a broken finger if I did.

"Shhh..." he cooed. "Why do you have to make this hard for you?"

"Y-you..." I sob. "You d-don't understand."

"Maybe I don't but I think you need to move forward now, Migs..."

"N-no..." Please give me Veni... Give me your cousin.

I still have a lot of questions, I still have a lot of plans with her, and most of all, I will still love her tonight, today, and maybe forever. But... But look what happened... With just a video cal... she'd leave me here... like this...

"Now you know why I don't let anyone make me court them," he laughs. "Migs, you are not like this, right?"

I know... but when Veni came... I wasn't like the one when I had Laurene in my fingertips. What I had for Laurene was an infatuation, but with your cousin, Primo? I know how to love... I love my father... but I didn't know that that kind of love exists... And when it did... I was ecstatic then...

If this is gonna be what that love will look like... Primo was right, I wasn't like this.

"Think about this way, Migs," he stood up to grab some cloth to wipe my face. "I like Veni as my cousin, I don't have no idea what she really is, baka alam mo na. However, was what she did wasn't yet enough for you to just move on?"

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