13: With You

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"Migs." he called.

I just took out a single block from the tower when he breaks the silence; yet, the kind of pop music he likes to play is still booming in my bed. "Your turn."

He nods and took one. I grunted when it didn't even move. Mine almost tumbled it down. "Miguel, huy."

"What? I'm concentrating."

He smiles a little and it deflated the tension between us. It's currently one cold December night. We just finished doing our activities and none of us wanted to call it a day; therefore, Primo brought up the Jenga we bought last month. Ang dami naming binili na board games and game consoles we haven't tried this one.

Slumped on the floor, me in my sando, Primo in his varsity tee and boxers, the tower is situated on top of small table. "You... You don't want to... Ha. You know... You can go..."

"That's too many 'you', Villonco." sipat ko. "What is it? Your turn."

He did his part and crossed his legs together. "I was just contemplating these past few days about... badminton."

I waited for a violent reaction inside my head, or a bomb ready to explode since it's been a while that the badminton matters entered my head. You see, after my sudden break-up with Veni, Primo made it possible for me to distract myself and focus back to what my life was before I met her. Though badminton was one of it, what happened between Coach and I took a turn that I didn't cross it once again.

Now he brought it up, I shot him an apocryphal incensed look; Primo curled on his spot, looking regretful. "Naisip ko lang. Sorry?"

It took me seconds before I crack up, "You believe in that? I wasn't even mad."

"Kainis! Not funny!"

He hit the table that almost collapsed the tower and I almost turned my anger into reality. "What made you think about that? You're doing great without me."

"Kala ko lang 'yun." malungkot niyang bitaw.

"Tss. It's the truth. Do you think mananalo kayo kung nandoon pa rin ako?"

I wouldn't deny admitting that the confrontation still stings me a little bit. Coach Mallari was ome of the best teachers and coaches I've ever met and we had, though a little strained, a good relationship of a coach and its athlete. I just didn't see that moment coming and I was left bamboozled.

"Suwerte lang 'yun," he mumbled, silently. "Walang araw na hindi kita naririnig sa mga kasamahan mo, isn't that enough reason for you to... you know..."

He intertwined both of his long fingers. I chuckled. "The Olympics won't happen till next year; I'm afraid I'll be busy that time."

"Why? You can be excused!"

"Have you forgotten already I'm third year? Everyone around us are telling us the last year is the hell year for all of us. Not to mention the upcoming exams. Tss."

My who system vibrated with the thought of impending journey to my last year. Of course, I don't want to leave this university but I have to. And I can only leave if I finish my studies. Freshman pa lang kami, almost every fourth years are scaring us about what they are going through and their preparations towards the ALE.

I wasn't the genius one like Logan. But I believe in myself I can pull it off. "You're smart, Migs. Kaya mo 'yun for sure."

"Ngayon pa lang, looks like I'm not returning anymore." few blocks are holding onto the towers life. "I had a good two-year experience anyway, I don't think I need to have it again."

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