Sent off

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I unfolded the paper and saw my father's handwriting,


After what happened, me and your mother have decided to send you to live with your uncle. He lives in a place called Encanto, there is a family there that have gifts like you. We hope they will be able to help you control your gift. Remember we love and want to help you any way we possibly can. We left the train ticket on the counter, your uncle will be waiting for you when you get off the train.


I know this should be reassuring, but I feel like a monster, even my own parents can't help me. I know that's not what they meant to communicate to me but I can't help but feel it. I packed my stuff quickly making sure not to forget anything and left. The whole train ride I blankly stared out of the window making no sound at all.

The train began to slow down, sighing I grabbed my luggage and once it stopped I quickly got off the train. It was raining outside and I could hardly see, I couldn't find my uncle and began to panic. My feet became stuck to the ground as I froze, literally, ice formed beneath my feet from my anxiety.

But then I saw a figure running up the steps that led down to somewhere. They were panting as if in a rush, when they looked up, it was my uncle, Ben.

"Sorry I'm late! Dolores forgot to tell me when the train was coming and told me last second when she heard it." He frantically explained

I dropped everything I had and ran to hug him, "I missed you" I said

"Missed you too kiddo." He hugged me back, "But we gotta go."

He grabbed the luggage I dropped and started walking back down the steps, I followed behind him. We kept small talk as we made our way back to the small village, but it wasn't small. It was small compared to the city but the streets were bustling with people. It had stopped raining by the time we had gotten there.

"We're almost to my house." My uncle said

I simply nodded. After a couple minutes we were in front of a decent sized colorful house. My uncle dramatically opened the door for me,

"Welcome to Casa de Ben." He exclaimed.

"You live here alone?" I asked

"Okay, okay I get it, I'm single." He dramatically leaned on the wall.

"What... no."

"hehe I know." he chuckled, "Alright go get unpacked Kiddo."

He showed me to my new room and I began unpacking.

Camilo's POV

"HAHAHAH you were totally fooled!" I said laughing

"Camilo, I don't think you realize how important it was for me to tell him when the train was arriving." Dolores whispered yelled at me.

"Oh come on Sis, who is he waiting for anyways."

"His niece, you remember her right?"

"... no"

"You used to play with her all the time when she visited him."


"She had a gift, she could make crystals."

"WAIT WHAT!" I exclaimed, Dolores covered her ears at the loud noise, "Woops sorry heh."

"You remember her now?" Dolores asked

I nodded.

"Oh! They arrived at his house, I need to tell Abuela." Dolores said as she left the room.

When she left I quickly left the Dining room where we were talking and ran up the stairs to get to my door. I took a deep breath before opening the door, my room appeared before me. My room can be a little confusing to others so it usually looks like any other room when everyone else is around. But when I'm alone the room shifts at my will, I can make the ceiling look the night sky, or make objects shift into other objects. It mimics my gift, so it's easy to hide things in my room.

I scanned the room for a second and I spotted it, a painting, well it wasn't actually a painting. I carefully took the painting of a rose of the wall, it began to morph back into it's original form. A crystal rose.

"I told you I'd keep it." I said to myself as if she could hear me.


I had just about finished up unpacking when Ben called up to me,

"Y/N! Be ready in about an hour we're going to see the Madrigals." He shouted to me from the other room.

"Got it." I responded

Now I have to search for something nice to wear. I searched my clothes for a bit then I decided on a dress. It's a black off shoulder dress with ruffles and gold embroidered flowers. After getting dressed I went to find Ben and tell him I was ready. But the second I walked out of my new room he told me we were leaving.

We stayed silent for most of the walk to the Madrigal's house,

"So are these the people my parents told me about? The one's like me?" I asked

"Yup, and lucky for us I know them very well." I was about to respond but he spoke again, "We're here."

I looked at the house and my jaw dropped, it's huge, not to mention colorful, there were flowers hanging from the walls and a tower peered out of the building.

"You ready?" Ben said as we approached the door.


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