Artistic Muse

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I began to search my bags for something to occupy myself with for the time being. As I searched I suddenly remembered I had brought some records, but I wasn't sure if my uncle had a record player.

I found my uncle opening mail, I took the chance and tried to sneak behind him,

"Y/N when have you ever been able to sneak up on me?" Ben said without looking at me.

"Dang." I said.

"Do you need something?"

"Do you perhaps, have a record player."

"Depends." he looked at me, "Show me your records and I shall judge if they are worthy."


"You'll know when I'm joking."

I went back to my room to grab my favorites, I grabbed (Just think of your three favorite songs/albums, and we're pretending they existed during this time) ------, ---------, ---------, and The Bidding (I had too)

I ran back to Ben with the records in my arms,

"Hmm," He examined each of the the records, "I approve." He said giving me a thumbs up, "The player is in the closet over there." he said pointing to where it was.

I opened the door to the closet, my jaw dropped, it was a mess.

"What is this?!" I exclaimed

"Oh... right... I haven't cleaned out that closet in a while." He said sheepishly

I let out a sigh as I began my search for this elusive record player. After a couple minutes I was almost ready to give up. It was like Ben had shoved all of his possessions into one small closet. But then I struck gold,

*Le GAsp*

"OH my GOD!" I said as I gazed at a really dorky photo of my uncle from when he was a kid. I had found it in a small box which I knew couldn't hold a record player, but curiosity got the best of me.

"What?" My uncle said confused as he came up behind me, "Shit." he saw the photo in my hands, "Y/N I told you could use my record player, not go through my stuff."

"Uh seriously? It's not my fault you shoved everything you own into this closet." I pointed out

"..." Ben grabbed the photo out of my hand and set it down on the table near us, "I'll just get the record player myself..."

I could tell he was trying to divert my attention away from the photo,

"As funny as that was, who were the people beside you in the picture?" I asked him trying to look back at the photo.

He was still rummaging around in the closet as he spoke, "Oh I'm surprised you didn't guess. Isn't it obvious? On the left is your father and on the right is Bruno."

I looked at the people in the photo in surprise,

"Bruno as in Bruno Madrigal?"

"No, who else could it be?" he said sarcastically.

"It's just he looks so young... and not tired." I said before I realized, "WAIT A MINUTE! My dad knows Bruno?!"

My sudden loudness caused my uncle to hit his head, "OUCH! Ugh. What do you mean of course your dad knows Bruno?"

"He never told me you guys came here as kids!?"

"Y/N we lived here when we were growing up, you're father moved right after he got married to your mother. Did he not tell you?"

"No..." I said but it barely came out as a whisper due to my surprise.

"What an idiot. Why wouldn't he tell you?" He laughed, "Ooh I found it!" He exclaimed.

He saw I had no reaction to him finding it or to him calling my dad an idiot.

"Uh you good kiddo?" He asked.

"Yeah just a lot of information to take in. Man, I had no clue too." I reassured him, "I'm gonna go out on a walk, I'll be back."

"Alright, just don't stay out to long, also don't get lost, I don't wanna have to explain to your parents how I lost you on your second day here."

"No promises." I said as I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I wasn't really sure where I was going but I was planning on finding a nice place to just sit and appreciate some scenery. Which won't be hard to find here cause unlike the city, the town was surrounded by pretty flowers and trees. I made my way towards the outskirts of the town by the mountains and found exactly what I was looking for.

The area I found myself in was by a small pond and there was lots of pretty flowers to look at to get inspired and let the creative juices flow. I climbed a tree that seemed to be comfortable enough to sit in and took my sketchbook out of my bag. I began to just sketch whatever came to my head, I somewhat zoned out just letting my hand flow. When I finally paid attention to what I was doing I was surprised at what I had done.

I drew someone, who clearly looked like Camilo even down to the smallest features. I started questioning myself again. Is this a normal thing to do, who knows it's just as likely as me drawing Mirabel on accident. But a voice in the back of my head pointed out that it was him, not Mirabel, or anyone else, just him.


I was thinking after this I could make some short stories where it's present time instead of in the past. I think it would make some cute stories but I don't know.

Also I know no one asked but fun fact about Ben, he's heavily inspired by my own uncle even the name. Pretty much Y/N and Ben's relationship is somewhat close to mine with my uncle.


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