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I sat in my bedroom staring at the ceiling, I had been staring at it for at least two or three hours now. I sighed, and looked at my clock, it was almost one in the morning.

It's not like I hadn't tried to fall asleep, trust me, I did try. I closed my eyes but sleep just didn't come.

I was in a constant cycle of spacing out and spacing back in. Then I heard something,


I looked over to my window, I couldn't see outside because my curtains were pulled over it. I got out of my bed and slid the curtains open.


Just to be sure I opened my window and stuck my head out to look around.

"Over here preciosa."

"What are you doing?" I said as my eyes landed on the boy.

"I snuck out." He said proudly.

"And how many people know you snuck out?" I laughed.

"Er-" he looked away, "Well Dolores, but that's obvious, Mirabel knows cause she helped me. Also Isabela, but that doesn't count cause I think she snuck out too, I saw her with someone."

"You're an idiot."

"Sure whatever, wanna let me in?" Gesturing for me to move so he could climb into my room through the window.

"No, not really. Just use the front door, Ben doesn't give a shit" I told him.

"But that destroys the purpose of the sneaking." He complained.

"Come on, I'll come and let you in." I rolled my eyes.


I left the window and walked out of my room to the front door. When I opened it I saw Camilo standing there.

"See, that wasn't hard was it?" I said.

"It would've been easier if I went through the window." He whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"So we don't wake your uncle up."

"You think he sleeps?" I burst out laughing, "Ben is in the kitchen right now having his daily midnight snack."

"Oh." He made an o shape with his mouth.

As I walked past the doorway to the kitchen I waved to Ben. 

He waved back before realizing it was me,

"Y/N why are you still awake?" Ben looked over at Camilo who was next to me, "What-? When did he get here?"

"Just now, and I couldn't sleep." I responded.

"Oh okay."

"Are you making noodles? At midnight?" Camilo asked.

"Yeah, for some reason I can't sleep unless I eat noodles." Ben shrugged.

"Well have fun eating your noodles we're going to my room. Night Ben." I waved for Camilo to follow me.

Once we got in to my room Camilo went straight to my bed and sat down cross legged.

"So what are you even doing here?" I asked him.

"I figured you wouldn't be able to sleep, so I came to see you." He said as I sat down next to him.

"And how do you suppose this will help me?"

"Hmm maybe like this?" He smirked and pulled me closer.

"Wha-?" He cut me off by his lips crashing onto mine.

My brain went fuzzy as I felt his soft lips press against mine. I slowly melted into the kiss. His arms twisted around my waist, inching me closer to him. I ran my finger through his thick curls. I felt him smile into the kiss, I was completely intoxicated by his touch.

Then the door swung open.

We sprang apart in panic, I accidentally pushed Camilo making him fall off the bed. My face was burning from embarrassment as I saw Ben standing in my doorway.

"Damnit Ben, this is why you knock." Ben muttered to himself as I was still frozen in shock.

"Ow." I heard Camilo groan as he got got up rubbing his back, then he saw Ben. "Shittt- hey Ben, it's definitely not what it looks like." He nervously laughed.

"Okay." Ben regained his train of thought, "First of all, don't give me that 'It's not what it looks like' bullshit because I know it's exactly what it looks like. Second of all, I don't really give a shit but Bruno is definitely hearing about this. And lastly, y'all want noodles?"

Camilo and I looked at each other, then we spoke at the same time.

"I'm down for noodles." Camilo said.

"I swear to god Ben I will light you on fire if you tell anyone!" I exclaimed.

"What?" We said in sync.

"It's just Bruno." Camilo told me.

"I don't care if Bruno knows, but if he knows everyone else is gonna know. You're family isn't good at keeping's secrets. And then Mirabel is gonna tease me about it." I reasoned.

"She can't tease you if we make it normal." He grinned.

"Alright! I'm gonna be in the kitchen if you want noodles." Ben intervened then awkwardly walked out.

When he walked out Camilo sat back down on the bed.

"You're getting bold chameleon." I nudged him.

"It's hard not to be when you're so pretty." He said making me blush.

"Alright, let's go get some noodles." I smiled.


I got the Encanto concept art book and I'm crying ✌🏻


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