Everything's Fine

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(Recently Ive had no energy to do anything hence why I didn't post yesterday so yeah.)

"Why are we doing this again?"

Camilo glanced back at me.

"Because I don't want my family to know I snuck out. Duh." He said.

"Everyone's still sleeping, why don't we just go through the front door?" I pointed out as Camilo was planning to jump through the kitchen window to get in.

"Who sneaks out and back in through the the front door?! That's so lame."

I sighed in defeat, he's really gonna make this difficult. The Sun had barely risen, I could see a small portion of it peaking out behind the mountains. I was jerked back to reality by a clatter inside the kitchen.

"Camilo!" I gasped when I saw he was gone.

I rushed to the window that was wide open. Camilo was sprawled out onto the floor of the kitchen, several pots had been knocked over by him.

"You're so screwed." I laughed.

"Not if we hurry." He gestured for me to jump through the window too.

"No way Milo." I shook my head.

He frowned at me shaking his head in disappointment.

Suddenly he lunged for my hands catching me off guard and somehow successfully getting me into the house.

I tumbled to the ground expecting impact but instead I felt Camilo's chest. I could feel him shaking with laughter.

"Camilo what the hell." I tried to say seriously but laughter laced into my voice.

"What are you guys doing?" A small voice came from the doorway. We looked over to see Antonio standing next to Pepa who was in some sort of shock.

I shot up, hitting my head somewhere in the process.

"Hey mami, hey Antonio, what are you doing up?" Camilo panicked.

Pepa stared blankly at us while Antonio stared up at her waiting for her to respond. Shaken back to reality small dark clouds formed over Pepa's head.

"Camilo Madrigal! Where have you been?" Pepa said.

"Home?" Camilo responded as more of a question than an answer.

"Don't lie! You were out all night going who knows where." She paused to look at me, "Don't tell me you dragged her into anything stupid."

"I went to Y/N's house last night because I was worried." Camilo explained frantically.

"So you snuck out?"

"I'm not the only one who snuck out last night, I saw Isabela out with someone."

"Camilo she's an adult! She can do whatever she wants at whatever time she wants! You on the other hand are fifteen."



"Sorry I just making sure Y/N was okay." He mumbled.

Pepa sighed, "It's fine this time, but if you ever do that again you're grounded."

"That's fair." Camilo said sheepishly.

"Hi Y/N."

I looked down to see Antonio.

"Hey Antonio, what are you doing up so early." I asked.

"I was worried and wanted to see if Camilo was back yet."

LOML {Camilo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now