Because I Care

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Camilo's POV

'Cute.' I thought.

I was grinning like an idiot, I couldn't help it, she gives me a rush of serotonin whenever I see her. I love it. I love her...

Suddenly anxiety gnawed at my stomach, what if she doesn't feel the same? I'm not sure what I'd do if she didn't.

I should really just ignore it, I mean nothing's certain. Well Bruno would disagree, but who cares!

I tried to fight the urge to leave the room and go to the kitchen, because I knew Y/N would be mad. But, I couldn't help it. I wanted to see her.

I carefully opened the door, I knew everyone would be coming in and out of the house randomly. So for safe measures, I decided it would be easiest to shape shift. I had just shape shifted into Mirabel when I heard a yelp from the kitchen.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen as fast as I could. I saw Y/N wincing in pain while holding her hand that seemed to be injured in her unhurt one.

"Y/N!" I said rushing towards her and turning back into myself, "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine Camilo, I just accidentally burned myself... it's not that bad." She said avoiding my worried gaze and going back to the food she was making.

"Are you making grilled cheese?"

"Yeah, it's really good with tomato soup," she gestured towards a small pot, "Wait... what are you doing out of bed?! You're supposed to be resting! That's why I'm here!"

"I missed you..." I said giving her puppy dog eyes.

Her eyes softened, "Damnit Camilo... fine you can stay just sit down and don't overwork yourself."

Happy with the compromise, I obliged and sat down at the small table in the kitchen.

"So grilled cheese and tomato soup? Why don't you just eat the grilled cheese alone?" I said.

"Most of the time I do, but your sick, and you know soup is the best medicine." She said.

"Isn't it supposed be laughter?.."

"Well yeah but soup also works." she grinned, "It's almost done, I'm surprised I didn't accidentally burn your house down in the process of making this."

The mention of burning made me remember she got hurt. She insists she's fine but she won't show me the burn.

She set up plates for both of us and joined me at the table. I kept pretending I forgot that she got hurt, so I could catch a glimpse. As I waited for the moment I took a bite of the food.

"Hey, this isn't bad!" I said in surprise.

"That's surprising." She smiled and scratched the back of her head.

As she put her arm back down, I saw her hand was flushed with red from the burn. Instinctively I pulled back, it looked like it hurt a lot.

"Y/N give me your hand." I looked to her expectantly.

Her hand shot away from the table and she hid it quickly,

"Why?" she said with a fake look of confusion.

I sighed and got up. I went over into a cupboard and searched for something. I knew my aunt had recently made some arepas and put them somewhere in here.

"Got it." I mumbled as my eyes landed on a bag full of them.

I grabbed one out of the bag then put it back where it was. I made my way back to Y/N.

"Here." I held out the arepa to her.

"Camilo.. are you sure you're aunt made this?" she asked.

I looked at it hesitantly, "I think? Here let me see."
I whacked my hand on the table startling Y/N.

I winced in pain, but I took a piece of the arepas and put it on my mouth. The sting immediately vanished.
I looked to Y/N and gave her a thumbs up. She had a bewildered expression on her face.

"Camilo we could've just tried it on me, you didn't have to smack your hand on the table..." she said.

"But that's no fun." I replied with a mischievous grin as I gave her the arepa.

When she took a bite, the burn on her hand slowly faded and I could see the look of relief in her eyes.

I was about to ask her if she felt better when I burst into a fit of coughs. Along with coughing came a killer headache. The worry reentered Y/N's eyes.

"Hurry up and finish your food and we're going back upstairs." Y/N said firmly.

"But-." My brows furrowed as I tried to speak.

"No Camilo." Y/N cut me off.

Frustratedly, I finished my food.

We got back to Mirabel's room and I gave Y/N the cold shoulder. To my disappointment Y/N didn't react the way I expected. Some part of me wanted her to be angry at me so she would stop worrying about me.

"Look, Camilo, I just want you to get better as soon as possible. Then we can go out and do things that we can't do now, because you need to save your energy so you can get better." Y/N explained.

"I know... I'm just frustrated, this isn't normal for me, this is only the second I've ever really been sick." I said.

"I get it, seriously, back in the city I wasn't allowed to go anywhere or do anything." she said sitting next to me on the bed, "Wait... Did you just say this is only the second time you've been sick?" she realized with a dumbstruck look on her face.

"Yeah, I guess, I've had really small colds but I could still go out and do things. Also I've definitely never passed out because of it before now...," I paused, "and thanks."

"Milo, it's not a problem, really, I care about you I just want you to get better." She gave me a warm smile that sent chills down my spine.

"Hold on, did you just call me Milo?" I realized.

"Oh, well..." She started.

"It's cute keep calling me that." I smirked.

"And I'm never saying that again."

"What! Noooo."

"I'm kidding, Milo."

Just after that Mirabel burst into the room, scaring bit Y/N and I shitless.

"I finally finished your stupid chores Camilo." She panted from running apparently. "Oh, what are you two doing." she grinned.

After she pointed it out, we both noticed how close we were. Mainly because we gravitated towards each other when Mirabel burst in.

"Nothing." Y/N said quickly, red tinting her cheeks.

"Yup just hanging out, like besties do." I said with a forced grin, acting it out terribly on purpose.

Y/N gave me a look. Mirabel just rolled her eyes at our excuses.

For the rest of the time Y/N spent at our house we all just hung out.


So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for nicknames for any of the characters? Cause I noticed with Y/N's dialogue she very directly speaks to Camilo, and the other characters too but mainly him and I don't want her saying Camilo thirty million times a chapter so any ideas?


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