Let's Talk

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Camilo's POV

I watched as Mirabel and Y/N left to Mirabel's room. I was debating if I should follow or not. Y/N won't be happy about it if I do.

Well she's not happy about anything right now anyways.

So fuck it.

I slowly opened the door and peeked into the room. Y/N was sitting on the bed opposite of Mirabel's with her face in her hands. Mirabel was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling.

Mirabel looked over at me.

"Hey Camilo." She greeted me causing Y/N to look up from her hands.

"Hey." Y/N said with a lack of hostility.

Is she not mad anymore?

"I'm still irritated by your presence by the way." Y/N informed me as if reading my mind.

"Thanks." I grimaced.

She made half a heart with her fingers and gestures for me to do the other half. But when I reached out she yanked her hand back.

"Loser." She fell back onto the bed.

"Y/N I'm starting to think you're just bullying him." Mirabel laughed.

"I am, and I'm taking immense pleasure from it."
Y/N confirmed.

Sensing that she wasn't gonna slap me if I touched her, I sat down next to Y/N. We all sat in silence for a moment.

"So this is fun," Y/N paused, "Knowing I'm probably gonna get kidnapped or something."

"Shut up and stop being so pessimistic Y/N." Mirabel groaned.

"I'm not being pessimistic, I'm saying this is fun, if anything that's optimistic!"

"Y/N, seriously?"

I laid down next to Y/N,

"So what are we going to do now?" I sighed.

"Deja vu anyone?" Y/N asked.

"Can't believe we were in this exact room trying to figure out what to do about your parents like a month ago." Mirabel said.

"What if we get Bruno to see exactly how this all goes down and try to change the future." I suggested.

"That's a shit idea." Y/N immediately shot it down.

"Mhm, care to explain?"

"The number one general rule of the universe is don't fuck with the future. Sure you can predict it, whatever, but altering one small thing can lead to chaos. It's just the butterfly effect. Also even if there weren't life changing consequences what if we make something worse happen?"

"What if something better happens?"

"That's highly unlikely. Plus, just like bad things don't last, good things don't last either."

"Alright you win." I laughed.

Mirabel got up abruptly,

"Okay that's it, I'm gonna go try to eavesdrop, and you two can talk." Mirabel said before leaving.



I glanced at Camilo who was laying beside me.

Why does he have to be so pretty? I hate it. I'm trying to be mad at him right now.

"Stupid bitch." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked knowing exactly what I said.

"Stupid..." I pulled myself closer to him, "Bitch." I laid my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry... about not telling you and shit."

"It's... whatever, that's not really what I was angry about."

"It wasn't?"

"I'm just..." I searched for the right words, "frustrated I guess? I feel like everyone is keeping shit from me. Like Ben. I mean, I love him and all. But sometimes I feel like he thinks if he talks about my mom in front of me that I'll just break or something. Sure I have emotions, but I'm not fragile. I just want to be treated normally."

I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

"Of what?" I replied.

"The vision."

"Absolutely terrified."

"Really? You don't seem terrified."

"Well I am, I don't exactly want to leave here to wherever the hell they're gonna take me. What about you, are you scared?"

"No, I'm absolutely ecstatic." He said sarcastically.

"Good riddance." I joked.

Then the door opened,

"Mirabel?" I recognized Antonio's voice.

I sat up and Camilo did too,

"She's not in here right now buddy." I told him, "Do you need something?"

"What's going on? The adults look worried." He asked as he approached the bed where we were sitting.

"Ay hermanito, you don't have to worry about anything, okay? The adults are gonna take care of everything." Camilo ruffled Antonio's hair.

"What about you guys, are you okay?"

I swear this kid is so pure.

"We're fine, just a little tired."

"Okay, I'm gonna go find Mirabel then."

"Bye Antonio." We both said as Antonio left the room.

The second the door closed I looked at Camilo.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He laughed.

"Why is your brother so goddamn adorable?"

"It's in the genes."

"Yeah." I smiled.

Camilo smiled before his face dropped,

"Look, I know you're gonna hate this, but can you stay with someone when your out in the town. I don't want you getting hurt again."


"Really? I thought you would fight me on that."

"It's reasonable, I don't really want to get assaulted again."

"If, you know, it really does happen. If they take you, you'd come back right?"

"Of course Milo."


"I, Y/N L/N, promise that if someone kidnaps me, I will try my best to come back to you. Good enough?"

"Perfect." He placed a soft kiss on my lips before pulling me to lay down again.


I'm giving y'all a break for a second


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