Care for a Dance?

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(Can we talk about how much Camilo looks like Wybie from Coraline in this picture also he just looks adorable)


"Yeah." He smiled.

The bracelet had little charms on it, one was a star, one was a moon, and the last was a Sun. I made a promise to myself to never lose this.

We walked in a comfortable silence, I wasn't really sure where we were going, but I trusted Camilo. It had already gotten dark outside. As we got closer to his house, I heard music and saw a crowd of people dancing.

"Care for a dance?" Camilo said extending his hand out to me.

I took it, he put his free hand on my waist, while I put my free hand on his shoulder. My waist tingled from his touch, and my stomach quite literally felt as if it was doing flips.

It was a little tense and just a tiny bit awkward. But as we danced, we began to loosen up. Our bodies moving closer together, and moving more comfortably

Camilo spun me around then pulled me back, leaving me closer to him. We let the rhythm of the music control our bodies.

Every worry, every doubt, every negative thought, slipped away.

I was determined to stay in this moment, with him.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling, I also couldn't take my eyes off of him.

His eyes glowed as he broke into a smile. I couldn't help but admire his features. His hazel eyes that had hints of green. His brown curly hair. The freckles that were scattered across his cheeks and nose, like stars in the night sky. And his voice, every time he spoke I got butterflies.

After a couple songs we began to tire from dancing. When the current song ended we broke apart.

"Do you want something to drink?" Camilo asked me.

I nodded.

"Alright, stay right here, I'll be back." He said before walking off.

I smiled to myself, his face not leaving my mind.

My daze was interrupted by someone walking up to me. A girl. Something about her seemed familiar. But I couldn't put a name to her face.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely.

She rolled her eyes,

"Quit the pleasantries, I want you to stay away from him." She said bitterly.

"Um who..?" I said, although I already had a pretty clear idea of who.

"Camilo." She said confirming my suspicions.

"And why should I do that?"

"Because, he's gonna date me."

I stared at her blankly, I have literally never seen this bitch before. And she's telling me to stay away from Camilo.

"Girl- who are you?" I said.

"Victoria Torres." She said, still glaring at me.

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