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Camilo's POV


The sound of thunder echoed through the house. I glanced outside, rain was pouring down with no calm.

It had been like this for almost 24 hours.

Once my mamá had gotten home and heard about what happened she freaked out. No one blamed her though. I haven't left my room for 8 hours.

Ben left for the city as soon as possibly could, he said he was 100% sure Y/N's father had no clue what had happened. He may have disagreed with his brother's choices but he still cared for him. Which makes sense, the grew up really close according to tio Bruno.

It was hard to believe everything had actually happened. I know it's stupid but a part of me still hopes this is some bad dream and I'll wake up next to her.

Someone knocked on my door,


Mirabel, Luisa, Dolores, and Isabela were standing by my door. They slowly filed into my room towards where I was sitting on my bed.

"You okay hermanito?" Dolores sat down next to me putting her arm around my shoulder.

I sighed, "No." my voice broke.

I covered my face with my hands, hiding my watery eyes. Dolores pulled my head on her shoulder.

"It's okay Camilo. You can cry. You have every reason to." She assured me.

My fragile facade of calm broke. I buried my face into my sisters shoulder.

After a moment I gathered my breathing just enough to ask a question.

"What's going on out there?"

"You mean in the real world?" Mirabel tried to lighten the mood before responding, "Abuela sent some people to search the Torres' house. We still haven't heard from Ben yet."

"The adults refuse to do anything that could actually make progress still." Isabela added.

"We did find all of the..." Luisa shuddered, "bombs."

I hadn't really been listening.

"What if we don't get her back? I can't-" my voice gave out and I had to breath in. "I can't live without her! Especially not if she's in the hands of those...psychos..."

My head began to throb, I winced as I saw my body. I was rapidly shifting between different people. At first it was just random people in town, but then it was Ben, then Victoria, then Mirabel, then Damien, then Y/N.


The four girls looked around in panic, unsure of what to do. The shifting wouldn't stop I couldn't control it.

"Someone get tia Julieta!" Dolores said.

"We can't! The room is going crazy!" Isabela retorted mostly in fear.

My whole room was shaking. Just like my body it was rapidly shifting. At one point it became Y/N's room. The door to the room shifting around, there was no reaching it unless the shifting stopped.

"What's going on? Camilo, what's happening?" Mirabel stared wide eyed at me.

I couldn't respond or even focus on words.

I looked down at my hands as they flashed different sizes and skin tones. My vision was getting blurry.

Suddenly a voice broke through the chaos,

"Guys be quiet! I think Y/N's back... with her mother" Dolores gasped.

The room stopped shifting and so did my body.

"What?" I muttered.


Short chapter because there wasn't much to do and I'm tired it's late rn


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