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(I'm gonna do a little bonus at the end of the chapter for the people who wanted a Camilo POV for the last chapter)


It felt as if I had looked all over the town for Antonio. In reality I had only checked a couple rooms in Casita, but still I was exhausted from it.

"Antonio!" I called out.

Suddenly I heard hushed snickering coming from behind a plant. I noticed small movements.

"I guess I'll just go home thennnn." I exaggeratedly sighed.

After a moment of pretending to walk away I ran back to the plant and pushed it aside. Just as I thought, Antonio and Camilo were hiding behind it.

"Oh nooo, you found ussss." Camilo smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him and helped Antonio up.

"You're not gonna help me up?" Camilo scoffed.

"I was, but not anymore."


I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So Antonio, what are we doing?" I asked.

"Games." He replied. "Like Uno and stuff."

(I am aware Uno didn't exist then but this is hilarious)

Jesus. Why did I expect him to say something super complex. He's five. But I swear he knows the secrets of the world.

"Okay." My voice accidentally cracked.

Instantly Camilo shifted into me and imitated me.

"Antonio look over there!" I said making Antonio look away from us. I quickly flipped Camilo off.

In response he made an offended expression.

"What am I looking at?" Antonio questioned.

"Oh no where'd it go?" I gasped covering up my lie, "Sorry Antonio, I don't know where it went."

"What was it?"

Shit play dumb.

"What was what?"

Not that dumb.

"What." Antonio gazed at me with confusion etched into his face.

"I don't know."  I shrugged.

Time skip brought to you by me not being able to think of something

"WhAT AgaIn?" I cried out.

Antonio frowned as the snake yet again won the game.


The snake.

A snake.

A goddamn snake was playing Uno with us.

And was winning.

"Wait a minute..." Antonio glanced at the pile of cards, "Doesn't the card pile look... smaller."

"Wait... it does." I glanced at the snake.

"Fabio." Antonio gave the snake an accusing look.

"Did he eat the cards..."

It took a moment for Antonio to get a confession from the snake.

"Yeah, Fabio ate the cards. That's how he won."Antonio turned to the snake, "You're done with card games for a while." He sighed, "Who are we gonna play with now? Fabio was the only one out of my animals who know how to play Uno."

LOML {Camilo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now