Better than Bruno's Telenovelas

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"Look behind you tio Bruno." Mirabel told him with laughter in her voice. After a second I heard Bruno laughing too.

"Camilo!" I heard Dolores groan as I walked towards her room, "Stop messing around you're gonna make me mess up."

The door creaked as I peaked through the crack in the door, I saw Mirabel was putting Bruno's hair up in a half up half down style. Dolores was putting some sort of makeup on Camilo, but he kept shapeshifting into different people messing her up.

"What are you guys doing?" I said opening the door all the way and standing at the doorframe.

"Y/N! When did you get here?" Mirabel said as she quickly put a clip in Bruno's hair so she could come over and hug me.

"Like 15 minutes ago." I said, "So what are you doing?" I repeated.

"Well Dolores was doing Camilo's eyeshadow and we got Bruno to let me do his hair." She said.

Camilo's POV

Y/N had just walked into the room and Mirabel rushed over to greet her and fill in her on what we were doing.

"You know I could do this myself." I said looking away from Dolores suddenly wanting to prove myself.

"Yeah well, whenever you do it it's all messy." Dolores said grabbing my face and making me look back in her direction so she could finish.

"No it's not," I argued back to her, "look I'll show you now, after I get this off." I stood up and tried to walk away but was stopped by Dolores holding onto my ruana.

"I did not just do this so you can just wash it off after I'm done." Dolores said

*gasp*"Y/N! Can we dress you up?" Mirabel asked excitedly looking towards Y/N.

"Eh why not?" Y/N said.

"Great, now we can see if Camilo can actually do eyeshadow on his own, and we get to dress you up." Mirabel said.

Y/N looked over to me and shrugged with a smile on her face.

"Hey Y/N, if he messes it up I'll fix it for you don't worry." Dolores said.

"What the hell Dolores?" I said offended

"Language, Camilo." She scolded me.

In response I mocked her earning a well deserved elbow to the stomach, at least well deserved according to her.

"Camilo hurry up and work you magic so I can make Y/N wear whatever I want." Mirabel said as she continued fixing up Bruno's hair.

"I suddenly feel I made the wrong decision ." Y/N  joked.

"You did, I've been stuck here for at least thirty minutes." Bruno said.

"Well, too late now." I said signaling for her to sit down in front of me.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah." I said as Dolores handed me the eyeshadow and brushes.

I leaned in closer to Y/N's face, as I did tint of red appeared on her cheeks. I was gonna say something but I felt my cheeks burning too.

"Close your eyes." I told her and she did.

I mustered all the concentration I could as I began to apply the eyeshadow to her eyelids. It was hard to focus when our faces were inches away from each other. I studied her features up close and for a moment my gaze went to her lips which caused me to pause what I was doing.

Y/N noticed I had stopped what I was doing and opened one of her eyes. As my gaze met hers I quickly resumed what I was doing and she closed her eye again.

I heard the other three talking behind me but I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. But I felt someone bump into me almost causing me to mess up.

"Whoops." Dolores said insincerely.

I ignored her and went back to what I was doing, but this time I had my guard up knowing that Dolores was messing with me. I assume because I kept messing around when she was doing my eyeshadow.

It didn't take long before I finished, or at least before I was content with the look.

I told Y/N I was done and as I was getting up I felt Dolores bump into me again. The impact caused me to stumble forward, I tried to catch myself but it was too late.

Time felt slowed as I fell towards Y/N, the gap between us closing. Her eyes went wide as our lips collided, we both froze, I felt the warmth of her soft lips on mine. My heart was pounding in my ears.

I heard Mirabel gasp and almost as if awoken from a trance I quickly backed away. I couldn't look at Y/N I felt bad. Not just for accidentally kissing her but, I- I liked it...

"I- Sorry," I spluttered, "Ihavetogo." I took no time saying the last part as I got up and practically ran out of Dolores' room.

Mirabel's POV

My jaw dropped at the sight in front of me, I let out a loud gasp. I saw that Camilo and Y/N were kissing.

When they heard me Camilo quickly got up and I could tell he was flustered by his red face and the way he stumbled on his words,

"I- Sorry. Ihavetogo."

He quickly exited the room, Y/N was still in the same spot frozen from shock. It stayed quiet until the silence was broken by Dolores,

"Oh my god Y/N! I'm so sorry I pushed him but I didn't expect that to happen. I was just trying to mess around with him and that happened. It's my fault you had to kiss my brother! I feel so bad for you." Dolores said in one breath while pacing a small area.

Y/N didn't respond.

"Uh Y/N?" I said waving a hand in front of her face, "Are you okay?"

She reached up to touch her lips then looked at us with wide eyes.

"Y/N?" I said but got no response, "Oh my god he broke her." I told Dolores.

"No, I broke her it's my fault this happened." Dolores said as she put her hands on my shoulders and shook me.

While me and Dolores were freaking out Y/N slowly stood up and walked over to a mirror that hung in the wall.

"He wasn't lying when he said he could do it." Y/N said looking in the mirror at her eyeshadow.

"Dang, that was better than any of my telenovelas." Bruno said.


Well- that was something.


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